A blog is not a book :-)

This blog is written in International English, the fluid ever evolving dialect of people in the Western World who are broadening their mental horizons, exploring different ways of being beyond their own cultural programming.

One request to all readers, but especially the native English speakers: please assess the quality and usability of the texts on this blog using the dictionary and grammar book of your soul.

I write on this blog what I feel inspired to write, when I feel inspired to write it, in no particular order. I hope you'll enjoy the fuzzy logic behind it too.

28 Jun 2015


Some words are naturally attached to a topic.

Somebody ( a down to earth woman with a scientific approach) asked me once:” Can you describe what you do without using the words ‘ soul’ and ‘energy’, please?”
Those words were rubbing so much on her belief system that she couldn’t listen to anything containing those words as key words. She thought I was talking about something supernatural which her scientific mind couldn’t accept to process.

Well, I AM talking about something that is super natural ( the soul) in the sense that it is a natural phenomena, designed and equipped for doing natural things, each and every single day of your life.. And.....her mind couldn’t process a single bit of information on any topic, without a supply of energy. That makes it quite remarkable how reluctant her mind was to allow any input on ‘ soul’ and ‘ energy’ to be processed. ... 

In my understandings, the soul is the main feature in the energy household of your body-mind-soul system. Without it, nothing is happening, you’re not ‘live’.

Talking about the Knowing, without talking about ‘soul’ and  ‘energy’ is bordering on impossible.

I said to her, that I can work my way around many challenges, but this one would be tough.
I myself can appreciate that the word ‘soul’ is put into various fascinating lights, by the hard core scientific world, through lyrics and poems, all the way to organised religion. More often than not, being held far from everyday life and all down to the ground natural processes.

Enfin, I haven’t found a way ( yet) to talk about this without using the word energy....
But I have found a great way to show what the soul is, what the soul does (in my understanding) by replacing it with the words wellbeing.

One of the meanings of a well is a source. It is a source being. It sources both energy and information, allows it to flow to the surface where it can be used.
What does this source being accomplish, when all is well? Wellbeing.
The wellbeing plays a crucial ( natural) part in your wellbeing.
The more well ( fully functioning in a healthy way) it is, the more well you are.

And it is very much like a water source in a community.
Your wellbeing and health has a relation with what everybody else does with the source too.

If you block the flow, or divert it to your fields only, others are lacking clean water and will find ways to show you that they are not pleased with that... as a result of finding pitch forked angry neighbours on your path, your wellbeing is not so bright on all scores, even if you have the access to the water.
If others pollute the water with their waste material, the wellbeing of all is compromised, the health of everybody deteriorates.

Most people agree that it is a good thing to look after your own wellbeing.
I agree, I consider it a very good thing too, to look after your own energy and information household, to keep it open, clear and flowing.
And yes, you’ve got your own tap, to tap into the flow of energy and information.
But in the community of mankind..... those taps all lead to one source, one well, where all experiences ( invested energy information) return to ( like the ongoing cycle of water on earth) , to be used again: the Knowing.

In observing and actively improving the quality of your own energy and information household.... the quality of the whole energy and information household improves: the levels of wellbeing for all rise.

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