Another function you might have seen using Google, is also built-in
in the Knowing.
It is activated with the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button.
In many others writings related to the Law of Attraction, the chapter dealing with this function is often called ‘the attitude of gratitude’.
The ' I'm feeling lucky' functionality is often also called upon with ' the attitude of gratitude'. |
Since the Knowing works with the Law of Attraction and the’
I’m feeling lucky’-button is so prominently placed.... let’s have a closer look
to what it does and how.
Knowing and understanding that might clarify why the results of using this
method sometimes do and sometimes don’t produce satisfying results.
The easiest way to see how it works, it to actually open up
your Google start page and play with the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ after entering a
few search terms in the search box and observe what happens.
Note: The I'm Feeling Lucky button doesn't appear by default
Here's how you turn I'm Feeling Lucky back on:
- Go to Search Preferences
- Turn Off Google Instant. Use the setting "never show instant results."
After you hit Save, you should see the I'm Feeling Lucky button whenever you search Google from the
default home
As you will see (or already know), it skips the list of
search results and takes you directly into the page that is ‘ under the bonnet’
the number one ranking for this search query.
It has gained that number one ranking for many reasons. One of the reasons it
that this page is very popular and commonly used. Logically: the content of
this page seems to suit many people, so there is a good chance that it serves
you too.
The fact that this button doesn’t appear by default anymore,
may indicate that its popularity has decreased over time. Reason... it’s usability
didn’t prove to lead in the majority of cases to the best result for you.
There are many reasons why.
In the context of this blog, it is useful to zoom in on one: most people are not composing
high quality search queries: specific enough and at the same time broad enough to catch the relevant data, let alone
complete .
In order to make the number one ranking in a list useful to
you, the quality of the question asked is highly
Google has a vested interest in keeping you happy with its
services, so it is doing its best to support you in presenting the results that could
be meaningful to you.
So, the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button still exists, but you’ve got to activate it
deliberately, which is usually done by people who know what they can expect
from using it.
By the same spiritual teachings a lot is (still) expected from using the ‘I’m feeling lucky button’, (as called upon with the attitude of gratitude).
If you were to bless everything you’d like to see more of in your life, nothing
can go wrong.
Simply bless everything that happens in life, feel lucky with everything.
if you’re actually not so pleased with it, all
of it? ....
....Well...... hmmmmm.........
Let’s say that that is not my personal understanding of how it works in a
satisfying optimally suitable way.
This may stem from seeing that I am not conventional, by any stretch of
Solutions that seem to appeal to ‘ most people’, hold often very little appeal
to me. In defining who I am, I find myself often closer to ‘nobody’, than ‘everybody’:
“ Everybody is going left here (because everybody is going left here)...
why is nobody going right here?” ....
My understanding, from having taken the right turn ‘ nobody
takes’ a multitude of times more often, finding interesting finds, I’d say that the way the attitude of gratitude works lies
( in my perception) very close to the Google ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button.
works well if:
- You are entirely happy and confident in using
this method....knowing what you are doing and why.
- Solutions that works for ‘ most people’, usually
work for you.
If you are completely
honest to yourself and you are just not entirely
pleased with your current situation, but you bless it nevertheless fully, hoping
that it will turn into something better all by your blessing.... don’t be too
surprised when it doesn’t!
It would be like giving Google the same search query, press ‘
I’m feeling lucky’ (over and over again) and then hoping that it will show you something else this
Funnily might, eventually! Since under the bonnet, ranking changes because the
traffic data on all the sites changes.
However, you visiting the very same site over
and over again, is only adding to its number one position in the rankings! So,
don’t hold your breath to see much change.
If you’d like to be presented with better, more suitable to
you options, having looked at what has been presented and assessed what you
like about it and what you don’t like about it ( thank you very much
for enlightening me on both scores!),
you can alter your search query.
A little bit more specific on this element.... a little bit less limiting on
that element.... see what happens now.
Doing that puts
you in more control of what is presented to you (thank you very much), it is actively
and consciously finetuning your search queries.
Composing high quality search queries is to me key to retreiving/seeing what actually suits you.
High quality search queries, as said, are specific enough and at the same time broad enough to catch
the relevant data and are complete .
This is already quite something to do in words, using a
search engine like Google, for the number one ranking to be precisely what you
are looking for!!!
The Knowing works with the search query you compose with
your whole resonance. Your words make up maybe 20% of that ( and that’s only if
those words are completely honest, in line with your true feelings).
The ‘I’m
feeling lucky’ functionality?
I’d recommend:..... only play with that when you actually feel completely and utterly
lucky already indeed and you are confident that being presented with a ‘slightly-off’ result
isn’t likely to ruin your day/life.
Please note: I do feel there is a place in this world for an
attitude of gratitude.
I am not against it, or opposing anybody shaping his/her life to full
satisfaction with it.
I even agree that blessing Good Things is very supportive to the quality of
life and the quality of search queries ( with as a result: ..... high quality results).
I do however give an alternative to the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’
functionality in life, using the Knowing.
It is an option that works well for me.
remember... I am usually closer to nobody then everybody.
So don’t say I didn’t alert you that this option (mentioned in the next blog
post) works for nobody.
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