In this blog post, I’d like to zoom in on an understanding
we, as modern day people, seem to have developed in the course of the last
centuries of evolution, when it comes to ‘what fuels’ this process of
In looking at the pattern of human evolution, since the
industrial revolution (see
my previousblog post for a summary of human evolution), I notice something about how we
deal with resources.
We regard oil to be (among) the most important fuel to keep our lives in
motion and we treat all natural resources as we’ve come to treat fuel:
We have evolved into believing that resources need to be burnt, in order to provide us
with the high caloric energy we need to move forward, to create joyful
comfortable satisfying experiences with.
Having used at increasing speed in 300 years
what needed millions of years to develop naturally, we know that those resources are becoming scarce now,
putting us in an uncomfortable state of alert, since the shortage of this
natural resource is perceived to threaten the comfortable life style we’ve
grown to like so much.
We are (probably not consciously) applying what we have
learned about the process of using some
natural resources as fuel (oil, coal) in evolution, on all our natural resources.
You stick fuel in a machine. Burning that provides the
energy boosts, that help us move forward.
We stick food
in our bodies, that we’ve come to treat as machines. We burn the food to help
us, individually move forward.
We stick people
in bureaucratic machineries to fuel the work force (the rat race). We burn
their/our humanity to help us individually and collectively move forward.
We stick responsible
people in government to make good decisions for the whole, to move us
forward. They do a good job in burning each other ( to help themselves move
forward) and what is left after that is burnt by the media.
We even stick our social connections into machines: smart phones, computers, social
media and are interacting with people ‘online’, ( burning off our brain cells for
various reasons) thinking that helps us individually move forward.
We stick our knowledge
in databases, burning our own memory, thinking that helps us individually and
collectively move forward.
We stick our own
response ability in the belief systems of others, burning our own capacity
to think for ourselves, thinking that helps us collectively move forward.
Does this sound soap boxy, with a hint of passionate anger
finding its origin in ‘ not understanding’ why we, as a collective, would do
such a thing?
Good! And I am not finished yet.
We are burning our good resources on one side ( hoping for
the best) and we find it too expensive on
the other side to invest in growing, developing in a sustainable way ‘new’ resources,
applying principles of scarcity everywhere.
And where there is abundance, we burn
it again:
Fields of ‘ good food’ are few and far
between ( scarce) and ‘ more expensive’ and hard to come by.
Fields of ‘ good people’ ( co-developers of sustainable
high quality solutions: partners, children, workers, artisans, food producers,
animals, inspirational writers, etc. etc.) are considered to be few and far between (scarce).
Although viewed as ‘ valuable’ or ‘ precious’ and hard to come by once you
found them, we don’t pay them accordingly, we don’t fuel up their lives, nor in money, nor in appropriate
attention. Instead, we burn them, squeeze as much as we can out of them, so we
can individually move forward and drop the residue of those actions , at a low
Low cost??!!!
Using our ‘ burning’ resourcefuel mentality where we do things at this type of ‘ low cost’, we favour quantity and
speed over quality and we grab and consume whatever is available that gives a quick
boosts of feel good energy.
As a result, consequences have
a tendency not to be fully ( in relation to all that matters) assessed,
before a field of resources is being processed.
If the consequences are : destroying the
high quality of your own personal health, social circle and environment PLUS destroying the structural healthy integrity of
the collective and its’ environment, I
would hesitate to call that ‘ at low cost’.
So far.... I had great fun ranting with indignation.
Great fun in every social gathering of intelligent engaged people.
Do I have a solution? What should we do??!!
I propose a solution that stems from the understanding you’ve
got to BE first the change you want to see.
I see, that we, as a species ARE at the moment resourcefuel, burning ourselves up in the
machinery that life has become.
I propose to us all, to energetically take the ‘ e’ ( resourcefuel) and invest that E-nergy in being resourceful.
It is a small step for man, but a giant leap for
mandkind..... in doing so we stop burning ourselves, we apply ourselves, over
and over again.
We ARE resources, we ARE energy and life is already fueled
up by Energy in motion ( E-motion).
All we have to do is use it wisely.
Please, sleep a night on considering
the possibility that resources don’t have to be put in manmade machines and routines (or need to be found in using machines as a
result), and that the joyful comfortable experiences of life ( 24/7!) can be
created from the resources we have within ourselves, in our natural ability to grow sustainably, because
we ARE resourceful.
Knowing an living from an understanding: I am
resourceful, opens the channels for
better solutions to feed evolution..
Just play with the idea, by investigating for yourself:.
Are you predominantly resourceful......or predominantly resourcefuel?
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