A blog is not a book :-)

This blog is written in International English, the fluid ever evolving dialect of people in the Western World who are broadening their mental horizons, exploring different ways of being beyond their own cultural programming.

One request to all readers, but especially the native English speakers: please assess the quality and usability of the texts on this blog using the dictionary and grammar book of your soul.

I write on this blog what I feel inspired to write, when I feel inspired to write it, in no particular order. I hope you'll enjoy the fuzzy logic behind it too.

30 Jun 2015

Good Things

About 3 years ago, I actively changed the core settings of my operating system, which changed my life at high speed.
I was working with an operating system 2T, but decided, having been introduced to and intrigued by the Law of Attraction to see what would happen if I started to use 3GT.  I followed a strange curiosity founded in a deep sense of knowing,

2T, is dividing the world in two things: Good Things and Bad Things.
It works very simple if I sketch roughly its core characteristics.
things are either good or bad. If something isn’t 100% intrinsically good under all circumstances... that means it is actually a bad thing. Bad things need to be removed out of my reality (either actively by pushing or rejecting it if they hold a threat, or passively by not giving it attention, ignoring it).

3GT, is short for: There are only Good Things, but they come in 3 flavours: things to enjoy right away, things to learn from and things to let (harmoniously, peacefully) pass.

The main difference is obviously in the way I deal with challenging situations.
Understanding that all things are there for a good reason, helps me to open my eyes and hold situations in my attention, applying what I call ‘ kind eyes’ onto it.
Kind eyes, doesn’t mean that I have to like what is presenting itself or have to agree with it.
It simply means that it gets attention, a wonderment treatment.
In wonderment, more meaningful connections are seen, more understanding is gained than in any active or passive rejection modus operandi.

A lot of creative energy is freed up by not constantly having to process if  any ‘ this’ is a good thing or a bad thing. A lot of resources are saved by not demolishing meaningful things in my life, that got the ‘ bad treatment’ by not giving me what I hoped for under all circumstances (and than having to do a lot of repair work) . A lot of energy is saved by not chasing to find those 100% intrinsically good, fascinating, fun, stimulating, inspiring things anymore.

Has this change of tactics brought me what I hoped for?
Can I recommend it?

On most days I’d say ‘ yes’ on both scores. Wholeheartedly.
It has brought me a sense of feeling alive, of knowing what my role in this life is and enjoying the amount of things I’ve learned, enjoying myself in the process.
I then look at my circumstances and see how blessed I am, living in a beautiful place, being involved in various interesting projects with fascinating people, learning everyday about ‘ life’ and the role human beings play in it, the influence people have on the quality for it ( for themselves and others) by the choices they make, seeing abundance of everything I need.

On other days, and luckily it is just a few, because these are the really deeply challenging days, there is DOUBT and great confusion on what to make of it all. They always involve inner conflicts in my belief system, on a deep core level.

Probably my deepest cry in the deep is:” I don’t understand this! I really don’t understand this!”
Not understanding a system, feeling unable to see any joy in a pattern in a situation I am involved in, no matter how I look at it,  is purgatory to me.  
I don’t enjoy my perplexity at all, kind eyes and wonderment aren’t getting a joyful understanding of the situation and my core values are so much involved that I can’t let it simply pass harmoniously and peacefully. (3G error) Tempted to call it a bad thing ( considering going back to using the old ways of 2T)..... I do see that that is not leading me back to Joy either.... I feel completely out of sorts.

I surrender this situation to the Knowing, to guide me.

I wrote a couple of articles about living in Joy, where I call Joy my home base and describe how I ‘sail’ my vessel ‘ the Souldream’.

Completely loosing track of Joy,  feeling swept away from my vessel in a vortex of all confusing and contradicting sensations feels like losing my home base. I deeply feel at a loss, losing my anchor to always be able to connect with a sense of Self.

If I was wondering where my home is and how long I would like to stay there..... moments like this confirm what a home bird I am:  I really don’t ever want to leave Joy permanently. Yes, I go out on my vessel  ‘the Souldream’ on the Sea of Wonderment, which can be stormy and turbulent at times, but Understanding connects me with the rock solid foundations of Joy, always.
Understanding this now, it manoeuvres the whole situation back into familiar territory: a Good Thing to learn from.

Showing me (once again) how challenging learning opportunities can be when they touch on several core values, because it is so close to home.... it is home.

So, do I teach this on the Royal Academy of Joy in the course ‘ sailing the Souldream’?
I think I just did.

28 Jun 2015


Some words are naturally attached to a topic.

Somebody ( a down to earth woman with a scientific approach) asked me once:” Can you describe what you do without using the words ‘ soul’ and ‘energy’, please?”
Those words were rubbing so much on her belief system that she couldn’t listen to anything containing those words as key words. She thought I was talking about something supernatural which her scientific mind couldn’t accept to process.

Well, I AM talking about something that is super natural ( the soul) in the sense that it is a natural phenomena, designed and equipped for doing natural things, each and every single day of your life.. And.....her mind couldn’t process a single bit of information on any topic, without a supply of energy. That makes it quite remarkable how reluctant her mind was to allow any input on ‘ soul’ and ‘ energy’ to be processed. ... 

In my understandings, the soul is the main feature in the energy household of your body-mind-soul system. Without it, nothing is happening, you’re not ‘live’.

Talking about the Knowing, without talking about ‘soul’ and  ‘energy’ is bordering on impossible.

I said to her, that I can work my way around many challenges, but this one would be tough.
I myself can appreciate that the word ‘soul’ is put into various fascinating lights, by the hard core scientific world, through lyrics and poems, all the way to organised religion. More often than not, being held far from everyday life and all down to the ground natural processes.

Enfin, I haven’t found a way ( yet) to talk about this without using the word energy....
But I have found a great way to show what the soul is, what the soul does (in my understanding) by replacing it with the words wellbeing.

One of the meanings of a well is a source. It is a source being. It sources both energy and information, allows it to flow to the surface where it can be used.
What does this source being accomplish, when all is well? Wellbeing.
The wellbeing plays a crucial ( natural) part in your wellbeing.
The more well ( fully functioning in a healthy way) it is, the more well you are.

And it is very much like a water source in a community.
Your wellbeing and health has a relation with what everybody else does with the source too.

If you block the flow, or divert it to your fields only, others are lacking clean water and will find ways to show you that they are not pleased with that... as a result of finding pitch forked angry neighbours on your path, your wellbeing is not so bright on all scores, even if you have the access to the water.
If others pollute the water with their waste material, the wellbeing of all is compromised, the health of everybody deteriorates.

Most people agree that it is a good thing to look after your own wellbeing.
I agree, I consider it a very good thing too, to look after your own energy and information household, to keep it open, clear and flowing.
And yes, you’ve got your own tap, to tap into the flow of energy and information.
But in the community of mankind..... those taps all lead to one source, one well, where all experiences ( invested energy information) return to ( like the ongoing cycle of water on earth) , to be used again: the Knowing.

In observing and actively improving the quality of your own energy and information household.... the quality of the whole energy and information household improves: the levels of wellbeing for all rise.

27 Jun 2015

My motivation

Why am I telling about the Knowing?
Why am I being like an ambassador for using it?
Yes, I enjoy using it and actively using it makes a great deal of difference to my life. Why not keep that nicely to myself and get on with it all, without bothering trying to show other people this?
For the most part, they don’t believe this anyway, or think it has nothing to do with them or the quality of their daily lives.

There is a huge dichotomy in my motivation.

Yes, my active use in my everyday life and current understanding of how it works, makes a great deal of difference to my life.
You don’t hear me say: all smelling like roses. There is a good reason for that: it isn’t. Very often there are rough patches.

In the process of discovering this all, I re-developed my empathic abilities. They got nicely tucked away when I was about 6 years old. Being able to sense what is going on in other people (and making comments or asking questions on how their behaviour related to what I was sensing) was highly unappreciated and actively discouraged. I found out, that in order to survive socially in this world, the sixth sense, or whatever you’d like to call it, needs to be switched off. And so I did.

But at the age of 40, my soul stirred, longing for being myself, for being the whole and complete creative harmonious and social being I am. For living, rather than existing, I opened myself up for using my sixth sense again, my ability to derive information from energy vibes.

And although I was afraid I was going’ nuts’ and knew that I was stepping away from the main stream, my cultural programming and social conventions..... something important motivated me: I had never felt so alive and complete before.

Talking to life itself and listening to what it explained to me, about itself, its natural ways it s natural built in faculties for achieving harmony and wellbeing.... is so beautiful and it adds up so much better than what ‘society’ says. 

I learned, more and more to trust what my sixth sense is telling me and doing so has brought so much clarity and peace and harmony in my inner world.
But if the world has changed much since 1978 ( when I was 6), living with soul, living with energy awareness, being open and honest to yourself and others has not become mainstream.

So here I am in 2015, an empath with knowledge on the natural energetic processes in man on how to have a healthy functioning emotional (energy in motion) household.
Whenever I stick my nose in the outside world, being so open, it hits me how much emotional suffering is going on, because I literally  feel it myself. On the carrier waves of energy, the very same sensations a person experiences, the very same thought patterns, reach me and I feel it, I know what is going on because I experience it myself.
Asking questions about it, openly, is just as a mine field as it was in the seventies and often I find myself in situations where I simply have to respect that people chose to pretend to be happy, while their whole system is conveying energetically the exact opposite.... and I resonate with them on the levels of what is really there...pain..... joy, unexpressed.

Yes, I can put a filter on, in order not to be completely blown away and exhausted by this.
But I promised myself never to switch it completely off again, for the sake of fitting in. Fitting into what.... a disharmonious society where people are born to suffer attempting to follow mainstream rules ( which also prescribes to pretend you are something you are currently not) and then die miserably?

You can see why I find socialising for the sake of socialising such a tough activity, nowadays.

Sometimes, there is an opening and people are curious about what they can do themselves, to have a healthy, harmonious energetic household. I always share my insights to those who show interest.
These suggestions are, by nature, simple.
In the eyes of most people, considered to be unconventional ( as in.... not mainstream, not what is considered normal by the majority of people around).
As a result of the label ‘ unconventional’ that means they are viewed with suspicion.... doing this simple thing is supposed to help with my major emotional issues?
Since it looks so unbelievable, more often than not, the suggestion is put to the side.

And I have wondered... if people were to implement these small things... what would happen?
Could it be true that anybody who looks after their own energy household better, becomes more empathic and has as a result of that more trouble fitting in and functioning in the social fabrics of society?
Is ‘walking a spiritual path’ as some call it, always a lonely journey?
If that is the thought than I can see why people don’t chose it.... we are all ( like me) at soul level social beings. We need to be part of a community, it is built in our systems! Better miserable, but ‘in’, than ‘ happy in ourselves’ but ‘ out’.... ?

I could turn my back at the whole of society, being faced with all the challenges I face as an empath who’s suggestions end up in bins more often than not. Just being happy in my own little world and letting the world get on with it.
But I don’t, because the harmonious social being I am believes that there is so much more fun to be had, so much more interesting conversations to be had, good experiences to be shared, a more harmonious society to be woven.... one all the empaths in this world would love to be in, glowing in shared joy.

That image, that possibility, in my mind, is not a society of lonely people keeping themselves to themselves, not fitting in the social fabric.  It is a society of open, honest people naturally radiating and sharing on all levels true harmony.

A society where the currently conventional patterns of ‘ suffering in solitude’ will  become unconventional, because it isn’t necessary and it isn’t natural.
To me, there is nothing in there to be scared about in that image.

And so I keep pioneering and endure the regularly experienced burdens of being an unconventional empath sharing unconventional insights in a conventional world, with as much grace and peace of mind as I can, up till the day where unconventional becomes conventional.
If I don’t live it and share my joy, ( like the many pioneers all over this world, doing what is in their nature to contribute joyfully) ..... I know...... unnatural- conventional will stay in fashion much longer than necessary.

26 Jun 2015

A story

I read the other day a book about Carl Jung, where I learned  that a lot of his contributions to psychology , found its roots in one single understanding:” there is a story in everybody that needs to be told.”

He made a lot of progress in understanding what was not going according to plan under the bonnet of a mentally ill person, by finding the point where telling the story got compromised.

In listening and allowing the original story to pick up where it left of,  he reached an amazing success rate in people functioning well after the treatment he provided. When people pick up telling their own story, uncompromised, many mental ailments vanish.
Jung also gained a lot of insight on the story-telling side of humans and made those insight available to  all people interested in understanding human behaviour more.

It appealed to me so much, since I recognise it, from my work and play.

When life goes on the blink, when the going gets tough, what is happening is simply not within the blueprint of the original story. A small thing can be out of tune, or a number of things don’t correspond anymore. That causes friction within oneself. It needs attention, to go back on track with its natural flow.

I’d say, the attention it needs is not so much from a position as a reader. I personally don’t think that the story is already written in full detail and all you have to do is turn the pages ( be a consumer of your life), although listening to you own story and feeling it, does give may clues on where is starts to derail.
I’d say, it needs the attention of a storyteller, having the inherent understanding of what the rhythm and flow of your story is, the main characteristics of it and a sense of beginning, fluid continuity with interest and end.

Herman Koch, a Dutch writer, explained it saying that the first sentence of a book is given to him (as in a thunderstruck) , and  he senses its DNA, full potential and  he senses  its general shape: a novel. He feels the whole book, although it still has to be written. Every day, he simply picks up where he left of and writes more of it. The novel seems to be writing itself, although he has choices on various details. All is well, he indicates, when he regularly checks if he is still in touch that sense of its DNA blueprint.
I suspect that he, if and when he gets stuck with it, he goes back to the last point where he felt it was fully in line with that DNA of the novel and continues from there.

The DNA blueprint of a story, the DNA blueprint of a person’s story is known.
If you lose sight of it, there are still ways to get connect with it, look into it, to get back on track.

I often say, there are two copies in this Universe of the original blueprint for your life. 
One is within yourself, the other is in  the Knowing.

23 Jun 2015

Holistic ( and reverse) SEO

Anybody who lives in my close proximity might recognise a pattern in the development of these blog posts. The ‘ fuzzy logic’ as described above, has an underlying sharp clear method: HR SEO.
It stands for holistic and reverse Search Engine Optimisation, but can just as easily be understood as: HigheR Self Optimisation.

Which, by the way is ( in my mind) meant to be understood for people who are familiar with ‘spiritual speak’ as: the service of optimisation of the self from a higher perspective. The Higher Self isn’t the recipient in need of the improvement/optimisation... the individual self is sending out requests for it, the Higher Self is providing it... using the Knowing and the soul to exchange this information...

It helps the personal effectively of any self and in its slipstream the harmony in the world enormously along if the self was to listen to the incoming, requested for information.

Back to the fuzzy logic of HR SEO.

I know (and the people around me might recognise this) that the content of a blog post is highly related to the events I experienced in the 24 hours prior to writing this blog post.
Conversations I had, things I saw, things I wondered about, events that happened..... especially if they tick boxes like ‘ new’ and ‘remarkable’ and ‘ having recurring themes’... they seem to get an inner label, that the HR SEO function of the Knowing works with.

I wrote in a previous blog post about the function ‘ I surrender’, where the Knowing can do a search combining all your recent (search) actions on request, when you feel slightly ‘ in crisis’ with finding good solutions.
This HR SEO does something similar, but the drive here is not to get help with something that needs addressing because it holds a problem for you ( something is bothering you) that urgently needs solving.
No, the drive here that you get support to expand, develop, grow in a holistic, sustainable, smooth, effective way.
Relating it to the consumer/creator differentiation: ‘ I surrender’ is a consumer tool, ‘ HR SEO’ is a developers tool for the creator.

Yesterday I was introduced to a ‘ trippy gadget’ developers can use to assess quickly websites: which words occur frequently, how often and what does this mean for the ranking in Google.
This is of no interest to any consumer, browsing away on the internet.
But for developers of a website, if gives ideas on the words other ( successful) websites in the field of their interest use and how well they are found on those words.
New, fascinating and part of a recurring theme (databases information management)...check.

I was also consulted to shine my life coachings light on somebody’s life and desire to make changes on 4 points. In the conversation I had with the vibrational essences practitioner on the team, we talked about the Higher Self and its relation to the self.
New client, fascinating set of seemingly widespread desires for change and a recurring theme ( self-development working with energy)..... check.

Combine it with the material I was writing about for a project creating a self-development tool that encourages people to play with it in a holistic way... and fall asleep.

In the night, every soul connects with the creator side of life.
If you pay attention to what the trippy gadget ‘ HR SEO’ is presenting there, it all gets distilled in insight to write an article that brings all the relevant themes and all the high scoring words into meaningful context, related to what you, as developer want to achieve. It is almost writing itself.

This article is an asset to expand your website with.
This insight is an asset to develop and expand your belief system with.

You belief system is your comfort zone, that is where you can move freely and happily around as a creative consumer of your own life.
Somewhere around the edges... life (also) knocks at your door with challenges and request slightly (or quite some) away from your comfort zone.

“Baker, can you also provide me with some ham, please...?” asks the client.

Are you interested, or are you letting this opportunity to be of service pass, in the light of everything you invest your time in?
If it is one client asking you this, you might reply ‘ No, sorry, I’m not a butcher.. I sell bread products only.”
But if the same question is repeated by several clients and there is room to expand activities ( or a need to bind existing customers to you a bit more in a tightening market)....it might become interesting to make selling ham also part of your service.

Often these knocks on the door come in seemingly random, unrelated topics:
  • “ Baker, can you also provide me with some ham, please...?” is a request that is suddenly more frequently heard from smartly dressed clients between 12.00 and 14.00
  • “ Baker, your health would benefit from working less hours.” says the doctor
  • “ Honey, I’m bored now the children have left home” says the bakers wife repeatedly
  • “Organic Lunch Room closes in This Town, office workers complain” reads the news paper.

Of course, the baker can shape his life dealing with all these knocks on his belief system door as individual requests.
  • “ Sorry, I’m doing selling bread products only”
  • “ Doctor, I can’t work less hours, I have bills to pay. Please give me pills to lower my blood pressure.”
  • “Why don’t you find a hobby.. a painting class maybe.. I’ll pay for it, but please stop moaning about it and do something about it.... ” replies the baker with raising blood pressure feeling annoyed for being bothered for this over and over again  in his already busy life.
  • “Not before long and This Town is dead. Probably the tax system killed this Lunch Room” mumbles the baker putting the paper to the side to eat his supper.

But if the baker was to listen to suggestion from HR SEO, all these events may have been put into the inspiration to look into combining the whole lot into an asset. Pearls in the crown of moving into good health and  good wealth for himself in a happy harmonious community.

The opportunities are already there.
Seeing them, listening to suggestions on how they can all harmoniously align in your development, matching your fields of interest and exploring them further, is quite helpful.

The HR SEO we all have access to, every single night we sleep ( and even during the day, with some awareness training) is a trippy smart gadget of the Knowing I am quite taken with.

Small efforts, the joy of expanding holistic sustainable response ability as a result.

If this slogan applied on a piece of add on-software, you’d expect it to be expensive.
In this case, it’s no add on, it’s already built-in...... freeware, no adds, part of the package of your human operating system!

(Yes, in the last 24 hours, I’ve been diving into the deeper hidden settings of my computer operating system too.....)

22 Jun 2015


Wisdom is knowledge applied.

Knowledge, information extracted from real experiences, recycled and combined in a meaningful way with the knowledge of other real experiences, onto new situations in order to reach satisfying results.

Notice how there are many verbs in describing wisdom?

If there was a tree of knowledge (let’s call it the Knowing, for the sake of argument), then wisdom is to go there, pick the ripest apple and eat it,  in order to feed yourself and your new experiences with some good food for thought.

Just don’t forget to feed and water the tree..... ( it thrives on receiving your own experiences).

21 Jun 2015

Model of the world

Yesterday, when I felt slightly ‘off’ and didn’t do any computer work, I finished reading the first murder mystery novel I read in years.

It used to be my preferred genre of reading. For at least ten years in a row, I used to go through three of those a week. I developed a taste for mysteries, detectives and psychological thrillers written by women. Sorry guys, but a couple of hundreds of books under the belt..... I just find that the chances of finding satisfying depth and convincing dialogues and characters are higher with female authors.
I also had a tendency to favour European writers over Americans for the very same reasons.

What made me decide to read this first murder mystery in years, written by an American guy?

The fairly limited choices in Dutch books in this English household in France, may play a part in that.
The fact that most books in this household have a military theme, may have something to do with it too.... not my cup of tea.
As well as the fact that somebody else said he really enjoyed reading it and recommended it to me.
That Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung figured heavily in it, probably settled it.... having just read an intriguing book about Carl Jung’s life, seen through the eyes of a friend of his.

What drives a person? What motivates a person to do what he does?

Fascinating question to play with. ( To me... I play with it every day)

The author plays with drip feeding clues, so that there is enough confusion created for the reading experience to be interesting throughout the book.
The detectives, trying to figure out in the book ‘ who did it’, are highly aware of the importance of this question. Not only because there is always a reason for a crime to take place. ‘ Who did it’ seldom comes without ‘ why?’.
But also because there are many reasons why the offender is covering up for having done what he did, what makes finding out what happened in need of ‘ hard evidence’ .... undeniable truth, challenging.
What other people say and do, is usually not ‘ hard evidence’ either, since those people might have various motivations to be economical or fictional with the truth as they see it, or blind even to obvious clues that may lead to less desired outcomes.

When everything ‘ falls in place’ and all motivations and all available clues fit together ... the mystery is solved. Relief.....we have reached a model of the world that fits. All discomfort in all the confusion has disappeared... we know now.... we understand it too.
Could that be what motivates us? A drive to see that the model we have at hand, fits?
Yes, we are highly intrigued by the models other people have of the world and how people behave under various (challenging) circumstances. Why else would people read stories and watch movies and television?

How do we use this information on what others do and say?

Are we prepared, willing and able, to let these other models be of significant consequence to the development of our own?

So to me, maybe even more fascinating that ‘ what drives a person to do something, within his model of the world’, is the question ‘ what drives a person to change his model of the world’?
The only correct answer to that questions, I think right now, is:” When the discomfort and confusion of seeing that the model at hand doesn’t work anymore, it doesn’t completely fit anymore and the model doesn’t serve the purpose anymore.”

In some stories (lives) this process of sticking to a model takes all the pages.
In all stories (lives) it is the curious investigative character driven by a desire to see the highest truth, who is willing and able to hold over and over new models of the world to the light, incorporating along the way more and more of what is clearly ( observable) known about a situation. The ability to understand the model of the world of people as they present it in words and deeds and relating all that  to ‘ own gut feeling’ (vibes) seems to help developing new models along quite nicely.... solving a couple of mysteries along the way too.

Is the amount of flexibility you built into your ability to remodel your model of the world according to your own experiences, strongly related to what you define as its purpose?
What happens when ‘the way, the truth and the light’ becomes ‘ the purpose’ of our being? A lot less discomfort, confusion and unfair-to-others, with deceit covered up actions maybe?

How are we than going to keep all the pages of (the books of) our lives interesting?

Lies there the origin of the apparent difficulties of remodelling our model of the world in such a way that we believe (to the core)  it is possible to lead an interesting life, with everything we need in it, by being honest to ourselves and others, aware of how the truth serves the bigger picture of ‘our wellbeing’?

Do we assume that life couldn’t be interesting and surely wouldn’t give us what we personally want for ourselves from it, without keeping quite some relevant information on what is going on in our lives covered up?

I don’t know, with a 100% sureness. However.... the hypothesis that this is what is going on under the bonnet of ‘mankind’ alive on this planet right now, would make a lot of sense, looking out on the clues I get from it .

Writing this, I have to confess.... this is obviously all a construction in my model of the world...
Ha, ha... . who is to say that I am not writing all this stuff from a far too large imagination, trying to spice things up!!?? 

But wait a minute... if I am the offender here, I shouldn’t be confessing that that is a possible truth!
I gain nothing by doing that, I might even lose my sanity, thinking this.
That is not comfortable and very confusing!

Which, in turn gives clues that being open doesn’t mean letting go of the sensations of a tantalizing level of  discomfort and some unsettling confusion. 

So life could still be interesting, even in an open honest model of the world.....?

19 Jun 2015

Good quality evaluation

At the moment I am for a project diving deeper in the natural functions of sleeping, within the whole natural organisation of how a human being lives and develops: when respecting the natural rhythm and natural order of things.

Yes, the above sentence contains 4 times the word natural.
If that seems to indicate that I’m putting very purposefully quite some emphasis on it..... that is indeed the case.
Because I see how ‘we’ are not supporting our own wellbeing very well, by actively doing all sorts of things that are counterproductive to natural healing- and self-development powers of a good sleep .
Or... for that matter...... keeping an eye on/ respecting our own natural rhythms and processes in the 24 hours of a day, full stop. But since sleep is the place where you are not consciously interfering too much with the natural processes of life ( since you are asleep) , it is surprisingly enough a very good place to begin making better choices.

Two functions of sleeping are well known: to e-energise and to process the experiences of the day.

Like chewing food supports your system to digest your food and makes it easier to free up the nutrients and make them available to your system.... I feel chewing your ‘day’ before it gets processed into your system in your sleep, has similar benefits.

As a life coach, I am always encouraging people to keep a journal. It doesn’t have to take more than 10/15 minutes, preferably with good old fashion pen and paper, but just in your mind works well too. As long as you do it with full attention.
Just listing three things about the day (this day, the here and now presence of this last day), just bullet points is sufficient, but you can colour it in with more detail of course:
  • What did I enjoy today... what was I pleased with to see?
  • What did I find challenging?
  • What questions are there on my mind looking at my day? What am I wondering?

Of course, if you feel like reviewing other parts of your life.... fine.
Just make sure you incorporate these three elements specifically pointing to the events of this day.

I am getting a deeper understanding on why this habit of reviewing the day gone by, openly and honestly is such a powerful tool in shaping your life.
The only place in your life where you have influence to shape your life is ‘ here and now’.
The past has gone and the future is yet unknown.
Tomorrow is the first new day into that future. Today contains your most recent experiences with life. Such a rich source of up to date information about you. Intelligence you are free to use in developing your strategies in real-time.

But if you’d rather navigate your way through a modern town using ten year old maps... there may still be some resemblance with your current circumstances......

Even if there was no ‘ Knowing’, the habit of evaluating your day would be beneficial to make better choices based on learning from your own experiences.

However, there is some magic to experience if you openly and honestly send all your experiences and questions of the day ‘ out there’...... You’ll receive suggestions on how to move from here, suggestions on answers to your questions.
Among many reasons: you’re simply more able to receive that information consciously, when you are able to send it consciously too.

Journaling, an investment of your time I can thoroughly recommend.

18 Jun 2015

Scarily beautiful

I have chosen my ‘ nom de plume’ Dageraad, because it means dawn, in Dutch.
Major but relatively unconventional inspiration, that I identify as coming from the Knowing, usually finds me in that brief window of time where the conscious mind is awake enough to observe, but not awake enough to object or reject right away the new concepts... at dawn.

The new idea has usually just enough links to what is consciously known to my own belief system , things I am puzzling with, to raise some curiosity that allows it to get some more attention.

Sometimes there is a very delicate balance between seeing the beauty and usability of an idea related to the things I am working on and the unconventionality of it.  Having a fair idea on what is understood to be ‘normal’ by the others involved..... I know how far-fetched this idea may seem to them.

When an idea comes in that rings true on being ‘viewed with suspicion, by others ( and also knowing why)’ it is not a complete joy to toy with the idea in my attention. It is, as I call it, ‘ scarily beautiful’.

I ‘d like to think that I handle all ideas with care, but these scarily beautiful ideas get the royal treatment of care.
Two reasons:
  • Because I do want to take the feelings of the others involved into account... if for no better reason than that no-one will ever consent in partaking in the practicalities of bringing an idea into the world, if they don’t give it at least the benefit of the doubt.
  • Because these scarily beautiful ideas have so much potential to make a real difference, not just to me or one other person. They always vibrate on a level of major importance, having the potential to make a difference in the increase of the wellbeing for many people.

Yes, apart from dealing with the beauty on the one hand side and the scary part of mentioning a far-fetched idea to somebody on the other side, there is also a scary part right in the middle, where I feel the responsibility that it is up to me to act wisely with all this, to give it a fair chance.

This morning, I received such scarily beautiful inspiration.
I am buzzing with it, glowing internally.

This is not the place, nor the time to share more details about the content of it.
But I do feel a drive to express and share my gratitude for receiving this inspiration from the Knowing, here.

Thank you Universe.

17 Jun 2015

I am information

I am information:
  • I am a collection of data arranged in a meaningful order to the end-user

I am in formation:
  • I am learning, developing ( more data, more meaning, ever changing order)
  • I am a structure of various aspects appearing in a certain form, like individual birds are aspects of their V-formation. The V is ‘ roughly’ the constant form, but the individual birds regularly change positions.

Even noticed how a sign for ‘ Information’ looks like a person, with a body and a head?

16 Jun 2015

I surrender, once more with more imagination

I introduced the function ‘ I surrender...’ yesterday, describing how it works, under the bonnet, combining all your (recent) search queries and meta-information gathered in your actions.
The ‘ relaxing your body and mind’ part is the hardest part, so I understand from people talking about this method. Apparently the desire to ‘ do’ something and ‘ think’ something is very strong.

Now, there is a way to accommodate for this, without interfering with the process under the bonnet by starting new search queries and being too active on your system.

You can use your imagination to produce a scene in front of your inner eye that matches the process of ‘ surrendering’. Like a little waiting-movie, that keeps you occupied ( in the right frame of mind) while the surrender-process is allowed the time it needs.

Any scene that fits this description will do:
You release all tension in it and (then) open your awareness to gathering information on where you are and how to proceed next (from standing still).

I particularly like the image of a sailing boat.

Picture yourself as the solo sailor on your trip, all sails tight, catching lots of wind, having the boat tilt sharply to one side, the splashes of water are hitting you whilst you are leaning overboard to act as a counterweight. Your holding simultaneously the rudder in place and the ends of various ropes..
It has been great fun for a couple of hours, but now tiredness is kicking in, your losing strength, confidence and focus. It is all mixing in with some confusion and insecurity, losing track of the navigational points around you. What to do, where to go, how to handle this situation well?

The sailor knows that when he let’s go of all the tension on the rudder and the ropes, the boat will turn back to a steady horizontal position,  slow down to stop and turn its nose into the wind.

Picturing really feeling how all the forces on the ship calm down when you let go of all the steering devices and how your senses shift from being fully absorbed in the activity to feeling the air, the now gentle movements, the scenery around you becoming more clear.......

You may not be going anywhere, but all the reasons to ‘ panic’ ( fear of falling overboard, capsizing, getting lost or losing time going in the wrong direction, hitting rocks....) have disappeared. Doing this gives you time to gather valuable information and start anew from there.

Having taken your mind of the immediate handling of the ship, its sails and rudder, has freed up mind space to allow all relevant information to be received and processed, in a calm state.
You know the exact direction of the wind, its speed, its relation to the point on the horizon you were aiming for to reach, the waves, the traffic around you, buoys and obstacles on your way.
And if you need to confirm things on a chart, you’ve got your hands and attention free now.

This is the information that is available in your vessel.
From there, based on your experience, you will most likely feel the confidence and the know-how building up again, when you’ve got the whole picture clear.
Maybe with less speed and less ‘ hanging overboard’, you’ll resume your journey.

If you really feel lost and need help and guidance, if you and your boat are really not up for making it back for whatever reason, you ask for support at traffic control through the VHF and surrender to their suggestions.

Even if your original quest had nothing to do with sailing ( but with raising children, mortgages, health issues, car reparations, budget issues.... you name it)... you’ll find that while you were watching this little waiting movie in your mind, the surrender-function has meanwhile dealt with the real issues on your mind.

Key is, not to ‘ force’ the sailing story’ in a certain speed or direction, but to feel and relax into when it is time to pull the sails again and steer the rudder again into a certain direction.

Surrender to the story to tell itself, allow the story to guide you, trusting that it works as fast as it can ( which is fast... a couple of minutes is usually enough, in my experience).

15 Jun 2015

I surrender...

My alternative to the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button ( and hope for the best) is a speech command in the Knowing.

As far as I know, Google doesn’t have a functionality that compares nicely to how it works.
It could be an asset for the world wide web too, but then again..... maybe nobody would be using it.

Still, I’ll be explaining how it works staying close to how Google works.

When you are on a quest for a suitable solution for a complex situation, meaningful and highly important to your wellbeing, you are usually not ‘ done’ with filling in one search query and picking a suggestion, having gone through a number of suggestions in that one list of options presented to you.

An ‘ extended’ search, a session browsing the internet, usually involves:
  • Filling in several search queries in search engines
  • Browsing through several options presented
  • Selecting and looking into the most promising ones more deeply
  • Sharpening your search queries based on what you’ve found (using synonyms, or new previously unknown words you noticed being used a lot on sites that seem to be related)
  • Flying completely different angles to approach the same topic with.
  • Exploring completely different topics, also of interest to you, apparently ( at least at a conscious level) not related to the search at hand.

When information overload, frustration and confusion start to take its toll and you are losing the fun in the process, not knowing where you are with it all and losing track of where you actually were supposed to be going with it anyway.... then this functionality comes in handy.

It does a meta- search over your search process and presents you with suggestion overlooking the whole process you are in, keeping an eye on what resonates with you ( even without you consciously knowing what resonates with you).


The system has kept a log on your whole search query history.
It knows what you looked for, it knows which pages you opened, it even knows how long your stayed on each page, it knows where you left the page and what you next query contained.
Did you incorporate a word from the last page that you hadn’t come across before? You probably saw the potential in it.
Did you completely change course after seeing a page? You probably got discouraged or seeing more of the same.

Juggling al that, it can compose a very high quality, very detailed search query.
A complex but harmonious composition of the ingredients of your search process.
So detailed, where details matter to you and so broad, where it doesn’t and completely true ( giving your actual actions)..... it must be a high quality search query!

But, you’ve got to ask for it to happen.

In the Knowing, I ask it to provide me with this service in the following way.
  • I say out loud ( or with full intend in my mind) : I surrender. ( That calls the function)
  • I do: I surrender. 

That means:  I let go of all activity and all active mental processes. I consciously stop using my system and give way to let it process all the available information and come up with suggestions. It often means to lie flat on my back, arms wide and ‘ let go’, relax and simply be ‘ open for suggestions’.

I don’t do anything, until I am really happily and confidently drawn to a certain action.
Without fail, what comes up then, is the best suggestion of the day, taking everything into account I value. Often there is a list of more suggestions and I can choose between various good options.

What helps in this process is doing everything with full attention and being true to yourself. Am I giving something 1 hour of my attention, while I actually don’t like what I am looking at and was I actually bored with it after 20 seconds?

It will be registered as ‘ valuable to me’, given my action of giving it so much time and attention!
To please somebody else? The importance of pleasing this person ( in this case... or structurally when it occurs frequently) will be registered as ‘ very important’ in the bigger scheme of things.
Am I not following up on something that interests me, even for a couple of minutes to investigate?
The system will interpret that as that I am not interested, since I didn’t give it more attention. I didn’t even ‘ bookmark’ it in to my system to look at it later, to express my interest honouring also that I don’t have the time now to do so.

The more my actions and words are in line with my actual values of what is of interest to me, the better suitable the results of this function are.

Knowing that the Knowing ( unlike Google) is not only registering in energy resonances what you do on a computer, what you give attention in cyberspace, what you invest your energy in online, but is monitoring all the things that actually pass the screen of your body-mind-soul system ..... monitoring your energy investments and aligning them with your truly desired values helps for this function to really bring forward wonderful options to chose from.

I call that ‘ say ‘yes’, mean ‘ yes’ and do ‘ yes’ in as much of your reality as possible.
Every day, from moment to moment.
So that at any given time when confusion kicks in and you’d like to be guided into high quality suitable suggestions by the Knowing..... the surrender function has good quality material to work with, your actual resonances.

So much more can be said on this topic.
But I've had enough of working at the computer now.
So, I am going to do something else now.

I’m feeling lucky

Another function you might have seen using Google, is also built-in in the Knowing.
It is activated with the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button.

In many others writings related to the Law of Attraction, the chapter dealing with this function is often called ‘the attitude of gratitude’.

The ' I'm feeling lucky' functionality is often also called upon with ' the attitude of gratitude'.

Since the Knowing works with the Law of Attraction and the’ I’m feeling lucky’-button is so prominently placed.... let’s have a closer look to what it does and how.
Knowing and understanding that might clarify why the results of using this method sometimes do and sometimes don’t produce satisfying results.

The easiest way to see how it works, it to actually open up your Google start page and play with the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ after entering a few search terms in the search box and observe what happens.
Note: The  I'm Feeling Lucky button doesn't appear by default anymore.
Here's how you turn I'm Feeling Lucky back on:
  1. Go to Search Preferences
  2. Turn Off Google Instant. Use the setting "never show instant results." 
After you hit Save, you should see the I'm Feeling Lucky button whenever you search Google from the default www.google.com home page. 
As you will see (or already know), it skips the list of search results and takes you directly into the page that is ‘ under the bonnet’ the number one ranking for this search query.

It has gained that number one ranking for many reasons. One of the reasons it that this page is very popular and commonly used. Logically: the content of this page seems to suit many people, so there is a good chance that it serves you too.
The fact that this button doesn’t appear by default anymore, may indicate that its popularity has decreased over time. Reason... it’s usability didn’t prove to lead in the majority of cases to the best result for you

There are many reasons why.
In the context of this blog, it is useful to zoom in on one: most people are not composing high quality search queries: specific enough and at the same time broad enough to catch the relevant data, let alone complete .
In order to make the number one ranking in a list useful to you, the quality of the question asked is highly important.

Google has a vested interest in keeping you happy with its services, so it is doing its best to support you in presenting the results that could be meaningful to you.
So, the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button still exists, but you’ve got to activate it deliberately, which is usually done by people who know what they can expect from using it.

By the same token.....in spiritual teachings a lot is (still) expected from using the ‘I’m feeling lucky button’, (as called upon with the attitude of gratitude).
If you were to bless everything you’d like to see more of in your life, nothing can go wrong.
Simply bless everything that happens in life, feel lucky with everything.

......even..... if you’re actually not so pleased with it, all of it? ....
....Well...... hmmmmm.........
Let’s say that that is not my personal understanding of how it works in a satisfying optimally suitable way.

This may stem from seeing that I am not conventional, by any stretch of imagination. 
Solutions that seem to appeal to ‘ most people’, hold often very little appeal to me. In defining who I am, I find myself often closer to ‘nobody’, than ‘everybody’:  “ Everybody is going left here (because everybody is going left here)... why is nobody going right here?”   ....

My understanding, from having taken the right turn ‘ nobody takes’ a multitude of times more often, finding interesting finds, I’d say  that the way the attitude of gratitude works lies ( in my perception) very close to the Google ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ button. 

It works well if:
  • You are entirely happy and confident in using this method....knowing what you are doing and why.
  •  Solutions that works for ‘ most people’, usually work for you.

If you are completely honest to yourself and you are just not entirely pleased with your current situation, but you bless it nevertheless fully, hoping that it will turn into something better all by your blessing.... don’t be too surprised when it doesn’t!

It would be like giving Google the same search query, press ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ (over and over again)  and then hoping that it will show you something else this time.
Funnily enough....it might, eventually!  Since under the bonnet, ranking changes because the traffic data on all the sites changes.
However, you visiting the very same site over and over again, is only adding to its number one position in the rankings! So, don’t hold your breath to see much change.

If you’d like to be presented with better, more suitable to you options, having looked at what has been presented and assessed what you like about it and what you don’t like about it ( thank you very much for enlightening me on both scores!), you can alter your search query.
A little bit more specific on this element.... a little bit less limiting on that element.... see what happens now.
Doing that puts you in more control of what is presented to you (thank you very much), it is actively and consciously finetuning your search queries.

Composing high quality search queries is to me key to retreiving/seeing what actually suits you.
High quality search queries, as said, are specific enough and at the same time broad enough to catch the relevant data and are complete .

This is already quite something to do in words, using a search engine like Google, for the number one ranking to be precisely what you are looking for!!!
The Knowing works with the search query you compose with your whole resonance. Your words make up maybe 20% of that ( and that’s only if those words are completely honest, in line with your true feelings).

The ‘I’m feeling lucky’ functionality?
I’d recommend:..... only play with that when you actually feel completely and utterly lucky already indeed and you are confident that being presented with a ‘slightly-off’ result isn’t likely to ruin your day/life.

Please note: I do feel there is a place in this world for an attitude of gratitude.
I am not against it, or opposing anybody shaping his/her life to full satisfaction with it.
I even agree that blessing Good Things is very supportive to the quality of life and the quality of search queries ( with as a result: ..... high quality results).

I do however give an alternative to the ‘ I’m feeling lucky’ functionality in life, using the Knowing.
It is an option that works well for me.

But remember... I am usually closer to nobody then everybody.
So don’t say I didn’t alert you that this option (mentioned in the next blog post) works for nobody.

14 Jun 2015

I wonder....

 The knowing also has speech recognition.
Quick, efficient and simple.

" I wonder...." opens the speech recognition function for the Knowing

You can open this function with the command, spoken out loud or with intent internally :” I wonder......”

Very convenient when you are not (yet) that happy and confident with ‘ writing code in your energetic vibrations’ on the keyboard of your mind.

Obviously.... followed by the topic you are wondering something about.

What is in it for me ?

Consulting the Knowing has many similarities with consulting its famous manmade counterpart

" What is in it for me?"....
The girl stared blankly and slightly puzzled at what is in front of her.


The opening page of Google on the computer is almost empty.

Nothing, not a single kilobyte of information is presented on the entry page.
Where is the fun in this, she wondered?

Yet, Google gives access to the publicly published whole world wide web.

But only on request. You need to ask ‘ it’ what topics you’d like to inquire about, by typing words that are meaningful to you.


The opening page of the Knowing within herself is almost empty.

Nothing, not a single kilobyte of information is presented on the entry page.
Where is the fun in this, she wondered?

Yet, the Knowing gives access to the openly published whole experience of mankind.

But only on request. You need to ask ‘ it’ what topics you’d like to inquire about, by vibrating with wonderment on topics that are meaningful to you.


You wont't see anythhing meaningful appear until you give meaning... and then pay attention to what is presented to you.

13 Jun 2015

What is in it for me (+)

The question ‘ What is in it for me?’ is commonly asked, if not consciously, then surely it is the driving force behind many of our actions and choices.
Nothing wrong with that, question. If you are investing your resources ( time, energy and maybe even money) into something that has completely nothing in store for your, chances of you being pleased with it are fairly minimal.

Sometimes the answers to  ‘ what is in it for me’, is along the lines of ‘ being accepted’, ‘being left in peace’, ‘ being looked after’, ‘ have harmony in the house’ . So, intrinsically there is nothing in the activity or choice itself that resonates highly with you, but you still go for it.

It is often referred to as ‘ to please others’. And fair due..... that is part of the truth. There are others who have expressed their desires for you to chose this, to do this, they are calling this ‘the best choice’ and like you to agree on it.

However, if these others were insignificant others, somewhere between strangers and acquaintances... they wouldn’t be crucial factor in your decision making process.

But these are significant others, people with whom you’ve got a long term relationship. And so it is not only your wellbeing you are caring for, it is a sensitivity for theirs and the consequences of them being unhappy to your world, that become influential.

So that’s why  you find yourself in a job your parents wanted for you, that is so far away from your natural interests and skills. That is why you find yourself in a fun fair with your children on holiday, while you prefer a botanical garden. That is why your bedroom has flowery wallpaper matching the duvet covers, while your preference is different.

Drifting (far) away, on a daily basis from your natural talents and skills, has more impact on your life than the occasional compromise that stems from your natural ability to care for other people’s wellbeing too.
When you are not exercising, not using your whole palette of natural talents and skills, life looses colour, you lose colour.

Can you bring back the natural colours to your palette?

I think it is possible, since they have never left you, they are and will always be part of the package.
Even if you lost sight of them... they can come back to your awareness, if you invite them to.

Asking the Collective Consciousness daily:” I wonder what my Divine Resonanceis?” will gently wash the years of gathered dust of your true colours and they will introduce themselves gently to your own inner eyes again, at the speed you can handle, keeping in mind all that is harmonious to you too.

Asking anything to the Collective Consciousness adding ‘ divine’, is so much more than ‘ egotistically’  asking ‘ what is in it for me?’ ..... . It is not even meant to be ‘ religious’.

it is asking to made known to you what is in it that resonates (deep down) with you, respecting the wellbeing of all involved. Yours, as well as that of others.

12 Jun 2015

Positions on the scale of creation

In previous blog posts I spoke about ‘ consumer’ and ‘ creator’ as positions in information management/ life. 
I took online database management as an illustration, to show that your power to change things depends on where you are in the system.

To me, these positions are not just ‘ two’ positions.
I would say there is a gradual scale between being fully consumed by being a consumer and being fully creative as being a creator and all the positions in between have their rightful and useful place on the scale.

I’ve put it in an image:

Being passive, on either side of the scale, means that you don’t relate much with your personal values to what is happening and why.
Being watchful, on either side on the scale, means that you are paying attention to what is happening and why and you relate observantly  to the values presenting themselves.
Being creative, on either side of the scale, means that you are causing things to happen, you are acting, actively influencing events by organising and expressing  your own values in a meaningful order.

Please take notice of the idea that it is a gradual scale. So you don’t ‘ jump’ from being passive to being watchful. You increase gradually the amount of attention you pay to what is happening and  why and in doing so you increasingly become aware of the presented values in relation to what is happening  and why.

What are your values?
I would say, it is everything your belief system produces.
Roughly, I would say the most elementary categories since they are the closest to home are:  thoughts & feelings.
It is what matters to you and how it matters to you, how you experience it.

In 6 more pictures it is related to your position to theavailable data in the field.
See how the persons mental positions moves from a distance to the heart of it.

Passive Consumer position

Watchful Consumer position

Creative Consumer position
Passive Creator position

Watchful Creator position

Creative Creator position

In doing so, there is an increase in attention, moving from the periphery to the centre.
But, once logged in, its focus shifts, from details ( on the consumer side) to the overall structural integrity on the creator side.

Ideally, in a vivid cycle, one moves gracefully this path, over and over and over again.

Since the creator, in the heart simply can’t see and appreciate the detailed results, so he needs to look back on ‘ himself’ and play with it, to experience his creation and acquire user input with valuable data on the perception of details and suggestions for improvement.

Anybody who has been involved in the back-end of a database-based website will recognise this workflow.

Anybody reading quite some spiritual teachings will recognise this last paragraph from a reality on macro scale:
The Creator needs human beings for it to experience itself.
Those experiences are stored and made retrievable, in the Knowing.

11 Jun 2015


I was browsing and sorting through some files on my computer, with one question on my mind: "What do I really want to keep?"
What do I know has value to me now and in the future?

I saw the file with a copy of the embodiment of my educational accumulated values.
My passport to cross the school border exploring the wide open world.......
A first class ticket to board as a VIP on the m/v ' bright future', (at least... that's the perceived value of it in many eyes. .....) and smiled.

My diploma ( a bachelor degree as a teacher in human interactions, July 1996) states what it is about:

- human behaviour, experience and its context.
- methodical approaches, theory and practise
- human beings and their values.

Yes, values is definitely a theme to play with and look into and write about in more detail on this blog.
And yes, 19 years further along the lines and I am still fascinated by these three topics.


I was going through some old files on my computer hard disk this morning.
Very useful on so many layers.

To see that there are so many files I don't value much anymore.
(They can go, that clears some space)

To find little gems, I forgot about.
(They can stay, they make me smile)

The picture above was one I had forgotten about completely.
But seeing it again, made me decide to post it here.
It makes a good illustration for this blog and the (creative) importance of keeping your (mental) storage capacity clear and up to date, with files you value :-)

10 Jun 2015

The essence of the joy of response ability

Being faced with emotional challenges.... what can you do?
Yesterday, I had a little play with the core idea of my blog post.
This picture illustrates the essence of the joy of response ability.

Being able to juggle all your responsibilities in the position where you are.
Yes, there are risks involved.. 
Yes, making a mistake will have impact.
Yes, not dealing with it at all has consequences too.

However, you can use your talents to focus on the possibilities, the movement and on arranging it all in a perfectly flowing order.
Natural forces, always around, will support you.

Inviting the Knowing to feed your own talents with the experience of others with similar talents in similar situations, gives an extra boost of confidence.

9 Jun 2015

The joy of responsibility

Some people interpret ‘ responsibility’ like this:
“I have full response ability to look at problems and contribute to life by avoiding all risks”

I choose to live my life from this understanding of responsibility:
“I have full response ability to look at possibilities and contribute to life by sharing all joy.”

If you don’t really like the concept of responsibility, you label it ‘ a problem’ and you do your utmost best to avoid the risk of being in a position where you are responsible...
I think: you are avoiding the joy of life.

Enjoying life comes with ‘risks’.
Picture dealing with situations that are slightly on the edge of your comfort zone.
You are facing challenges. The outcomes are not presented on a silver plate, wrapped up in cotton wool, sure and completely pleasurable upfront. ( Risk alert!!)

What if..... you are able to step into that uncertain area.
Yes, there are probably foolish  things you can do, too risky, a hazard to the safety and wellbeing of yourself and others. But is that all there is?
You might see how and where you can use your talents and contribute actively in achieving the desired results, having overcome difficulties . Your comfort zone has grown, your idea of ‘ can do’ has grown, the quality of your world has been given a boost.

That is bringing a deep sense of achievement. The joy of exploring and expanding your response ability.... also known as responsibility.

Read also the following blog post about this theme.

8 Jun 2015

Creative with the truth

In this blog about working with the Knowing, I am comparing shaping your life, with online database management. I’ll continue to do so more often, for various reasons.
1)      You can relate easier to it, because you have some idea of how the internet works
2)      I can relate easy to it, with my working expertise
3)      The similarities I see between the Knowing and the Internet go on and on and on and on. I often wonder if we, as mankind, created the internet with the structure and workflow of this natural grid of information still somewhere in the backs of our minds.  

What we have (for the most part) forgotten to use ‘ within’, is re-created by us all  ‘ without’ , since the natural human need for being involved in and connected to a community where experiences are shared is a great creative drive.
In using that natural drive, wondering what could work to create and develop this online human information-grid, we may have tapped into the Universal information grid and followed its core-design. ( That the natural way usually is the easiest way, may have something to do with that too J).
And now, coming ‘ full circle’ as they say, this manmade tool can be used to guide us in seeing and using the natural built-in Internet in us all.

Is this true?
I see it working, I feel it working.
To me, therefore, it is surely more true than completely false.
But I also know that in the world as it stands at the moment, it is an unconventional truth.

It was only three years ago that I wouldn’t have believed a single word of what I am writing now, with all my expertise as an information specialist already in place.

But isn’t that part of the beauty of evolution, that we expand our possibilities and our knowledge about our world?

In hindsight we find it difficult to imagine that the truths of today, once were unconventional, unsettling ideas about ‘ higher truths’, using different perspectives.

Remember: there was a point in time where we were sure the truth was that the world was flat.
And although we all still see how that perception is true, seeing the horizon being a flat line, we all know now that there is a higher truth to that: the world is such a large sphere, that, when you are the size we are and you are on its surface,  horizons look flat lines.

So, truth is relative to your perspective. And evolution takes place an expanding your knowledge of the truth, being creative with your perspectives, see it differently and then use it differently.
Seen in this way, being creative with the truth helps development.

There is however another meaning to ‘ being creative with the truth’.
I would say, this is more common practise in the Western world than the first meaning. I personally do not subscribe to that practise as thrusting our development  and inter relational quality of life forward.

This type of creativity is about:
-          Expressing the opposite of what you know to be relevant and true
-          Expressing half of what you know to be relevant and true
-          Not mentioning at all what you know to be relevant and true

With a purpose to lead somebody to believe something you perceive to be a shinier version of the  truth.
Actively reducing this practise to a minimum, is helpful , I would say, if you desire to tap into the Knowing and enjoy the experience.
The Knowing responds to your queries composed in energy vibrations ( thought, words and deeds). Actively leaving half of what you know to be relevant and true out of it for the sake of seeing a shinier version of the truth has two results:
1)      Your search is by far not specific enough.
Compare Googling ( ‘ kitten’, ‘ adoption’, ‘New York’, ‘ free’) if you desire to adopt a kitten free of charge in New York to (‘ New York’, ‘ horse’).
2)      You don’t believe what you receive to be true, even in the occasions where you did make a sound complete specific inquiry, because you know you’ve got to apply a fair dose of mistrust to what people say and look for the hidden agenda, the shiny truth presented is probably not so shiny, is your idea.
And, who knows, it may even be true that if you vibrate structurally on a level that you believe this way of dealing with the truth is actually serving you..... you may be predominantly presented with options to chose from relayed to the Knowing by people who have the same preference for dealing  with the truth.
If that is what you like, if that thought pattern is what you select that serves you structurally, than that is what you’ll get more presented of.

The Knowing knows you, in the very same way Amazon and Google know you and is just as creative with the truth as you are. (Although the underlying motivation of the service provided is completely different.... the Knowing has no commercial goals at all, it sole purpose it to serve you enjoying life, enabling you to make something really wonderful with it.)

So yes, the Knowing has this Amazon type feature where it is showing you: People who ordered this, also bought:......
It gives you ‘shiny top right corner standing out suggestions’ like Google-ads does, based on your search history and what it knows about your behaviour online.

How is this possible?
Because in all cases, you leave a trail of information about your likes. Your actions are registered, just as much as the words you type in search fields! Some in yourself, some by others, often both.
If you think being creative with the truth serves you, I suggest it serves you to be honestly and openly creative with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as far as you are consciously aware of its presence and relevance.
Always, whether you are actively on the lookout for inspiration and good ideas to improve your life with or ‘ just browsing and freewheeling and amusing yourself’ though life.

It doesn’t only clear your conscience, it also clears the inspiration you receive and your ability to discern what serves your wellbeing in the long run.