A blog is not a book :-)

This blog is written in International English, the fluid ever evolving dialect of people in the Western World who are broadening their mental horizons, exploring different ways of being beyond their own cultural programming.

One request to all readers, but especially the native English speakers: please assess the quality and usability of the texts on this blog using the dictionary and grammar book of your soul.

I write on this blog what I feel inspired to write, when I feel inspired to write it, in no particular order. I hope you'll enjoy the fuzzy logic behind it too.

13 Jul 2015

Tuning into the Divine Blueprint

Every living being comes with a couple of build in metaphysical skills and tools. To name a few:
  • The drive to live, to develop itself
  • The ability to know where it is, right here and right now
  • It’s Divine Blueprint, the inherent knowledge of its overall purpose and design

It is obvious to see this in animals, plants and human beings, observing the material aspects.
  • As from the first division in cells, it shows this drive to live and develop: it grows bigger.
  • It senses where it is in its development and knows what is needs right here, right now. So cells stop dividing when there are enough of the same and only resume that task when more cells of the same type are needed again.
  • It follows a natural rhythm of day/night, seasons to determine if it needs to develop a flower, drop its leaves, take food/air in or give waste materials off.

It isn’t making it up as it goes along, deciding:” shall I be a tomato plant today or a lobster or mix the two and be a lobmato for a while?”

No, the being is following its Divine Blueprint. If it is a tomato plant, it will be a tomato plant with specified characteristics of flavour, size, shape, colour. Another being is a lobster. Only if a lobster and a tomato plant cross bread and a NEW being is created, that being follows the blueprint of the Lobmato.
Does one know upfront what a Lobmato will be like? No, it has to develop itself through all the stages of its existence, to realise itself fully, to show and express all its potential.
Although it is fair to say, it will have some characteristics of a tomato plant and some of a lobster.... chances of something becoming red in its appearance at some point are quite high.

Back to human beings, not so much looking at the biology (development of bodies) of them, but at the metaphysical development of human beings and their creative relation with other living beings.

This begins with a concept that on an energetic level (metaphysical), we are all Dynamically  Vibrating Energy Patterns, having a creative relation with other Dynamically  Vibrating Energy Patterns (DVEP’s). Beings, yes.... but I’d like to step away from the biological understanding that a being always has a body, you can see with your eyes.

Whenever two or more DVEP’s meet, they make contact to determine how they relate to one another. They are all sending and receiving Energy in motion (what people refer to as Emotion) with a tension, like electricity has a tension (between people usually spelled as: with attention). In short, they are exchanging all sorts of vibes.
When there is a mutual creative intention, something special happens: creation.

Like musicians meeting:
When they pick up on each others vibes and like them, become curious, they want to play music together: explore and experience what can become of combining their talents and vibes.
In doing so, a new DVEP comes into being.
It is a new living, developing entity, having characteristic of all its creators, but, like the Lobmato very much with its own Divine Blueprint of its purpose and energetical design.
Sometimes this is just a short living DVEP: one song, one jam session, one chat and that’s it. It isn’t developing into a long term living entity.

Regularly, long living DVEP’s are created, when people decide to keep investing in combining the efforts and vibes. It can be a long term living-together-relationship between two people, a family-of-four, a work team or even an entire organisation of 100 people or a village community of 120.
It is easy to see that these are non-exclusive, co-existing DVEP’s who interrelate.
One person can be a part of the ‘couple’ living together, being the adults in the family of four, going out to work in the organisation of 100 and living in the village community.
Actions taken in one of the playing fields, are likely to have consequences in the others too.
Add another child to the family may have a small influence at work ( have maternity leave, talk about it, showing pictures...), a medium impact for the community (adding a new person) and a high impact on family-life.

If a new DVEP is a new child (a creation of two or more conscious human beings), the chances of it having a conscious mind of itself and sharing the same characteristics  of rhythm  and other basic needs with their creators, are fairly high (smiley face).

The very same is true for all DVEP’s , also when more than two conscious human beings are the founders of it, like an organisation or a village community.

Let’s take a Care Home, for instance, as an example.
On first glance, it may seem that it is ‘ just a building’, a ‘thing’ where just over a hundred individuals happen to work and live. Or, ‘ just an organisation’ , a ‘body’ performing various functions.
All part of the truth, but it is also an energetic creation, a DVEP.
It has come into being at some point in time, because people consciously decided to share their talents, resources and needs in time and place, for a long time.
Which needs? The need for care met the need for caring, providing all parties involved with a way to fulfil needs for food, shelter, meaningful contacts ( .....among many many other human needs).

This being, this DVEP is an entity on its own, a living we-field of energy vibrations.
Like with a human being, a plant or an animal, it is possible to tune into its energetic characteristics,  its Divine Blueprint, the vibrational essence of its original  purpose, when you are playing a part in this we-field.
It can be directly tapped into, in the actual we-field itself. 

But with everyday reality coming up with its everyday demands, it may be difficult to tune into the Divine Blueprint. Especially if ( for some reason) the everyday practise has moved relatively far away from its original idea.
It is in the nature of your auto-tuning system that it will pick up on and adapt to the vibrations that are actually there and ‘ play along’ with that . 

But if you’d like to get a feel for the original Blueprint, it may be good to know that a copy of it is also stored in another we-field, the collective consciousness, the Knowing.

It is easier to tap into and relate to when you connect with it in a calm and relatively quiet moments of the day, relating to it all by yourself, without the distraction of other we-field demands, to which your auto-tuning system will turn right away.
Repeating it, over and over again, until you get a good feel for it, know it, really well.

Why would one want to do that? Why spend time on tuning into the Divine Blueprint of any DVEP you are involved in..... the being YOU, or any other DVEP you are playing a part in?
Why not just ‘ go with the flow’ of what is there in the everyday reality?

Well, if you are completely oblivious to its wellbeing and development, than there is no real point in spending time doing this.
However, if you care for its development and you desire to contribute to its development  into the direction of the ‘ best version of itself’, then it surely helps to know what that Divine Blueprint it, the original grandest idea of this being and act in line with those ideas.
Chances are that this is not a burden to you anyway, because you are playing a part in this. Contributing to its development into the best version it can possibly be, is beneficial to your personal wellbeing too!
  • Working in a nice atmosphere, with friendly colleagues and happy customers, may hold appeal to you....?
  • Living in a safe, supportive community may appeal to you....?
No enterprise was ever founded on the idea to pester workers and annoy customers.
No community was ever founded on the idea that ideally it would be a life threatening experience  to stick your nose out there and say ‘ hello’ to the first person you see.
Yet, everyday reality in many work environments contains a lot of pestering and annoying and neighbourhoods and communities are not all that friendly.... so there are quite a number of those DVEP’s that have moved away (relatively far) from the original setup.

But as long as people are investing time and energy in these DVEP’s, the’ll develop into some direction.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the movement was into the direction of the best ideas about it?
The more people tap into that, have a feeling for it, relate to it, personally and actively, the more people know which actions they can personally take (no matter how small!) to move into that direction. With all these conscious acts of creation combined, the DVEP can’t move anywhere else, but in the direction of the grandest ideas about it and you, yourself, are meanwhile developing in the direction of the grandest designs of yourself.

There is a built-in harmony and perfect order in all these energy fields playing and interacting together... !
But tapping into that and acting accordingly is necessary for it not to become a random composition with very random, not so harmonious outcomes as a result.

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