When the idea of
‘ tuning into joy’ appeals, as introduced
in the previous blog post, you might be interested to read more about ‘recognising joy’.
I stated:”We have collectively removed ourselves so far from
it, we hardly recognise its myriad of forms and shapes it can have.”
Please understand me right here. Of course we recognise certain forms joy can show itself in.
A radiant smile with sparkling eyes, a graceful move, a sweet caress, a happy tune
whistled, a kitten playing, a summer landscape filled with flowers bathing in warm
beams of sunlight, the smell of chicken soup on coming home, tired, on an empty
But if you were to make a list of all the things you easily recognise as joy, even if it goes to the
moon and back, three times around the world, in font size 5..... you’ve only identified
a fairly limited summary of certain appearances joy can have.
If you then were to use that as a checklist of appearances
you can give attention, to tune into
joy, to resonate with, to experience this ‘ thrilling’ in harmony and its
uplifting effects, you may find yourself on quite an unfulfilling chase for experiencing
abundant joy.
You are on the lookout to find joy matching the items on your
list , whether that’s in words or pictures. You are holding your definitions of
joy somewhere in the back of your mind, so you can compare your reality with it
and ‘ jump’ on it when you see one that could be a match.
Joy then seems to be a slippery piece of soap that jumps
away from you when you touch it, leaving you wondering why you can’t hold onto
In my understanding, that this happens when you use this approach, is no
If you hold the appearance of joy,
the shape, the form it has taken to
express itself , you are missing a couple of crucial characteristics of joy.
Joy is not a form, it is not an appearance... joy is the energy , the force behind it. Joy is a vibration in the world of energy.
Joy is a state of mind, I often say, maybe more to the point, a state of Being.
Joy is not one thing, not even a list of things.
It is, in its essence, a shape shifter, forming and transforming endlessly.
The second you desire to grasp it, to hold onto it, to capture it, it changes
shape, alters its current form and escapes
your attention.
Not because it doesn’t like your attention. Not because it
desires to run away from your focus or
hide from you. No, take it literally! Pay attention to details: joy is
transforming, e-scaping your e-scape in full motion. It is not a static
entity... it plays and invites you to play along.
So, yes, it jumps like a slippery piece of soap out of your hands (your
attention = the hands of your mind),
when you squeeze to hard, on a desire to stop its mesmerising life affirming movements...... for you to admire and applaud while standing still too.
Trying to stop its movement is ending ( perceiving) it, because its essence is movement, constant change.
But if you were to allow it to e-scape (verb) your e-scape (noun)
and you’d be in tune with it on an
energy level (! not appearance level!))...not-capturing it, not-restraining
it in any way, just allowing it to lead your energy while running free wherever it
wants to, showing you a myriad of appearances, you are joy with it.
You are not just following it, you are flowing with it.
Free, all you have to pay is attention.
So, throw away that list of things and events and activities
that you think are the ingredient s of making you happy, would be a good start,
freeing up some mental space and attention to the joy that is surrounding you
at all times, in the most unexpected shapes and forms!
If you do like to have some form of check
list at hand to recognise joy, I have a suggestion for a short-list, easy to
Joy is a threefold being.
Present in joy are at all times
Peace is a calmness in the core, a centeredness, a sense of unity,
a knowing of ‘no conflicts’.
Pleasure is the ‘ good vibes’ in action, in motion, of
satisfying needs and desires.
Harmoney is the sustainable accordance of all (highest) values
in all parts involved.
Yes, it is harmony, spelled with an e, indicating value. Just a play on words
for those (most of us) who recognise money as our highest value, our ticket to
joy and freedom in life.
Keep in mind when you
desire to interplay joyfully:
When any of the beings involved in the interplay loses contact
with peace ( of mind, for instance), pleasure and/ or harmoney.... you are (all)
moving away from being with joy, in joy.
Knowing this also explains why only seeking ‘ pleasure’,
gratification of your own personal needs and desires isn’t giving that soul deep
felt sensation of ‘ joy’.
When you are a being in joy, in interplay with joy, you
experience a sense of unity ( without losing your own-ness), a satisfaction of
al needs and desires completely in line with all your highest values.
Hard work?
Not for your
auto-tuning system. Start in the world of energy and the
appearances, actions etcetera will follow from Being in that state of being.
Seek joy, tune into joy in whatever shape or form it has
right now.
if you don’t’ see it, simply wonder at any given moment ‘ where is the joy in
this’, relax into it and follow the lead of the vibes of energy (they may also be conveyed by some less appealing looking appearances in form!).
Take any actions you feel a distinct pull or joyful (peaceful, pleasurable, harmonious)
inspiration for.. it is your soul (guide dog) guiding you what you can do to contribute
to experiencing more joy, right here, right now.
Cross checking.....
How to cross check, really make sure if it is joyful soulful
inspiration? Have you really recognised
joy, or are you engaging with something that is likely to bite you in the ass
at some time, only chasing some self-gratifying desire maybe.....?
You wouldn’t mind telling anybody
about this (plan). It is allowed out in the open, right now. (You even find it
difficult to not share it, it wants to go out there!)
It does no harm, causes no conflicts, is at nobody’s expense, nowhere.
Not in you, not in anybody else. It is only adding value, adding joy and more
joy (peace, pleasure and harmoney) for all involved. What is not to like? It
is also something you can almost effortlessly contribute, using your talents.
Yes, it may be on the edge of your comfort zone.
That’s where joy likes to (inter)play anyway. But that’s also part of why it is
thrilling you!
It holds an opportunity to grow and
develop into the next better version of yourself and an opportunity for your community to develop into the next and
more joyful version of itself too.
Actually, you know everybody would benefit from you taking
this action, everywhere along the lines and you are confident that everybody can
be freely made aware of this ( now, or at some point in the future). The
stranger, the neighbour, your partner, your boss, God, the major, the policeman, your child.......
Any doubt present if this is really joyfull?
Tune into joy. It’ll show you what needs looking into, sorting out, playing
Joyful guideance is only
one wonderment away......
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