It seems a great activity to let my mind wander free, because often new ideas
fly in when I am doing that.
Today’s blog post topic announced itself in my
e-scape, while working on the maintenance of the landscape.
Having written about how living with (a) soul is like living
with a cat as a pet, another animal related analogy came in. It is one that
illustrates even more clearly the importance of the three e-scape elements:
- Continuity of a structure to play in, work from
(a home, a comfort zone, with recognisable characteristics like shape, rhythm, flow)
- Inspiration to follow
( new interesting influences, of a high(er) quality , more complexion, with
(more) depth to it relief variety and a
reasonable amount of challenge)
- Express itself to its highest joy and be followed
( initiating a change, taking the lead in a dynamic system, feel the response
of other being tuning into its highest joy)
Living with soul is
like having a guide dog.
The soul is like your own guide dog in the world of energy |
You are not only enjoying each other’s company ( hopefully),
there is also a working relationship as a team, with a defined purpose to it.
The guide is serving you to go out into this world, happily and confidently,
being your ‘eyes’ in a world you can’t see ( anymore).Enabling you to experience
and enjoy life ‘safely adventurous’, helping
you past fixed obstacles, helping you to find your way in the flow of movements
around you, for you to arrive at the various destinations of your choosing.
Let’s face it: the dog has no need to go to the post office, to buy
flowers or to drink coffee on a terrace! Nevertheless, the dog is happy to
guide you there. Not only because it is told
to do so. It is not a machine, programmed to do certain tasks no matter what.
No, it does so because it enjoys it, it is naturally good at it and is happy to
share its talents with a person ( who appreciates it).
For the guiding process to work well, a couple of elements
are important. I’ll focus on the perspective of the dog with 2 and 3.
- There is a structure.
When working: the dog is in a special harness, with a sturdy frame for the
person to hold on to. Dog and person are close together in a very recognisable ‘
shape’. The harness is the thing messages are conveyed though from the dog, through
the body of the person, to his mind.
- The dog gets instructions to follow.
The person makes clear to the dog where he wants to go.
The team develops, they get to know each other ever better and in that process
of developing their relation as a team, they can expand the possibilities of
adding more and more nuance in the instructions, based on more experience
- The dog gets on with his work ( sniffing, looking, interpreting,
planning, walking at a steady pace, guiding) and needs to be followed.
There is no point in having a guide dog to guide you and ignoring its
indications, is there?
Now, replace dog
with soul.
See how obvious it is there? But it goes on.
Yes, when on the move, you’ve got to hold your poise, have a
certain amount of tension and attention on the frame and feel what is going on
inside this team-structure at all times. Calm and centered, concentrated,
paying attention to what is going on.
Both not completely self-centered as in focussed on the individual self, both
constantly aware of being part of the team. The dog is fine with knowing that,
while working, it is 2 meters high and can walk at 4 km/h.... but naturally it
is quite obvious that its own characterises are different from that.
The fascinating thing is now that everybody has a soul, a
guide (dog) to guide you safely adventurous, happily and confidently through
the world of energy. A world in which most of us are blind, have tunnel vision
or a very blurred and distorted impression of.
(Sorry, fellow human beings, if that stings. It can be perceived as a judgement,
while it is more an observation. If people in general were not so blind to what
is going on in the world of energy, you wouldn’t be hurting yourself and each
other on an emotional (energy in motion) level so much, bumping into each other,
thwarting or discarding joy and feeling lost, of track and/or unsure about destinations most of the time)
When presented with the understanding that we already have
our own guide assigned to us, perfectly matched to our needs, we can’t see it
and so we don’t believe it, really.
And when we are aware of the soul, many of us keep it as a
pet, don’t use its (nor own own) full capacity.
And when we decide that we would appreciate the Universal Guidance Services, we forget to
pay attention to the frame, forget to give clear instructions of where we
desire to go and most of all, we overrule the signals we get through the frame,
thinking we do know how to interpret the world, using what our society
explained us about it.
How safely adventurous do you think navigating on those
parameters is if most people in our society are not having clear sight on the (natural) world of energy at all (anymore)
and have constructed artificial (unnatural) constructions that do lots of
things, but are not joyful roads to explore freely and happily.
Always working?
A guidedog-person team is obviously not always working.
The dog needs some free time to, to experiences all aspects
of being a dog too, that can’t be experienced in the equipe while at work (
running at maximum speed, digging, rolling through the grass, fetching things,
eating, sniffing around, play with other dogs....)
Being ‘ of the lead’ only in the house, is not enough for the dog to remain
happy and healthy.
This is so equally true for the guide in the world of
energy, your soul.
It is not just
under two meters high and it can move
at far higher speed than we can and it doesn’t
have an intrinsic like for post offices, shops, drinks and sitting down for
speaking in words, or typing or reading words on a computer.
It needs what
you would call
me-time, to be of the lead, to recharge, to
stretch its metaphysical legs and train
its metaphysical muscles.
In my experience, it is happy to spend the me-time with you
too, just not harnassed.
It can run and fetch and dig, while you are sitting on a bench.
It will share its joy with you. Why not, you are sharing
your joy with him.
If en when you look after its needs too, appreciate his talents and send out
joyful vibes on all the lovely things you can experience now in life, you’ve
got the most loyal friend in the world of energy, the natural world, you can
Yes, he wants to come with you, wherever you go.
Yes, he knows what you want, long before you express it in words.
He... it is the Golden Retriever of the Universal World of Energy!
But it doesn;t
work for you, it you don;t work with
You have to fulfil faithfully your side of the agreement of being a team by
paying attention to the three elements while ‘ on the move’ and also not-being-on-the-move
all the time.
Don't only work with it on sundays, don't only turn to it hen the going gets tough and you desperately
need universal guidance to get you ‘ out of a mess’, don't only use it when you have a ‘
special project’ or a new destination you like to try to reach......
Every single day for all
the everyday tasks you’d like to go smoothly in the world of energy, would be
my recommendation.
Whenever you are moving energy around to achieve something, physically or
Invest in being a team and trust the guidance.
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