Anybody who has lived in my close proximity in the last
three years has been exposed to one of my guiding phrases: Say ‘yes’, mean
‘yes’ and do ‘yes’.( SYMYDY).
Life runs so much smoother, I find, when people do (‘yes’)
what is in line with their own true values (mean ‘yes’) and communicate about
their true actions and true values (‘yes’), all openly, without adding extra
tension .
Extra tension is added when observable true values that are being known in that
instant, are being held back, not allowed to be openly known and taken into
What I notice is that most people have developed a form of collective
consciousness that I can call sequential. They take one interaction at the time
and manage them in sequence of appearance, depending on their perception of the
collective in that instant. What is expected of me in the group that I am a
part of right now, is the leading question.
They hop from collective to collective and act in line with
what appears to be expected, there.
And trust me, when we are in a collective, we are wired to
be in touch with what is expected and desired! Our auto-tuning system picks up
on that, without fail.
Now, the last 48 hours came with an avalanche of examples
where the effects of the sequential approach of collective consciousness were
shown to me.
I had to apply quite a lot of (positive= joyful) wonderment to the observations
in order to see beyond the various effects it had on me.
Effects that varied between slight puzzlement with an amusing element to it, to
complete frustration and anger( depending on the extend I felt thwarted in my
rhythm and flow as a result of somebody else’s choices and actions)
I’ll pick an example form the row of examples that was
relatively mild in its effects, but also very clear.
It was changeover day in the castle the two of us are
looking after.
The guests have agreed to leave at 10 o’clock, giving us enough time to swap
the bedding and clean the place before the next guest can arrive, as from
It is a vast place, everybody can see that. We need most of that time to get it
all done.
As from 9.00 there was busyness, the guests where gathering
their things, sticking the rubbish in the wheelie bins etcetera.
We were around and so, regularly, we exchanged a few words.
In the five conversations I had with various adult members
of the party, always the process of leaving was topic:
- They asked what time they were supposed to leave and confirmed that that would
happen, since they were all on the case.
- They all promised that they would say their goodbyes in person to us, just
before they would leave.
- They were all showing their ‘ being busy to get ready to leave’ to us, by
moving at high speed over the gravel.
- Making comments that they, the adults, were already ready, but that it was the
three teenagers who needed to wake up and get ready.
Nice words, nice smiles. All very pleasant.
10 o’clock came and went.
I knew that the new guests were not likely to arrive at 4 o’clock
sharp, so I looked at it with slight amusement, knowing that we’d have time to
do the cleaning, even if these guests needed some more time. There was no need to
try to persuade them to speed things up.
The main challenge I had to cope with was that there wasn’t much I could do
meanwhile. ‘Waiting’ is not among my preferred activities in life, so I found a
magazine I could read in, that I could drop easily when they would be ready to
say goodbye and go.
11 o’clock came and went.
At some point we heard that they were done in the bedrooms
and we could start work in there.
It was when I was carrying the laundry to the place where the washing machines
are, that I found all but one sitting in their cars, ready to go.
When I came back to the car, now empty handed (easier to say
goodbyes properly) the last person said
‘ bye to me and from the car came waves and some said: ‘ say goodbye to Richard
from us, will you?’
11.30 and off they went.
Nice words, nice smiles, my smile slightly bemused and puzzled, I think.
Richard was disappointed that they had left without giving
him a chance to say goodbye.
I was bemused about all the ‘ acting’; that had been going on to ....... to
what exactly? To convince us of something happening, that wasn’t really happening
at all.
I phrased it as : ‘say something, to
please us (?) but do something completely different’
In the light of the theme of this blog post, I’d say that this
was a beautiful example of how sequential collective consciousness is put in
Every time one of the guests was speaking to us, a small
collective was formed. Given their words, they were well aware of our values,
needs and desires, concerning their actions. Probably also willing to act
However, every time they stepped back into the house, our
little collective was forgotten about, or at least faded into the background reality
of their current group collective, a
completely different field of needs, desires and expectations of everybody. An
energy field, a dynamic with more influence on the behaviour of the
individuals, apparently .....observing the
doing, that was a result of it.
Is this just an example of sequential collective
consciousness? Farfetched even, an exception of ‘ those people’ , not worth
standing still and looking at, really? Not having anything to do with your
Well, let’s extrapolate on the principle, see if it rings a
bell in your reality.
Do you say to your boss that you are entirely happy doing
something after hours?
Do you complain with your co-workers about the work load and how unreasonable
the boss is?
Do you then say to your partner that you are not happy with it but had to....when she complains that you
were not in time for this special dinner, as promised?
Yes, in every situation mentioned above you may be saying the things the people in that
audience desire to hear from you and you
may even mean it, in that instant and
have the intention to act
But then you step into the reality of another collective,
sensing the different vibes of needs and desires, you sequentially go with that flow. Saying the things the people in that new audience desire to hear
from you and you may even mean that, in that instant and have the
intention to act accordingly
too.(SYMYDY again)
All is still well if those actions simply happen to
coincide.... or... if the collectives never meet and the observables different
truths of what you say and what you do don’t come to the light.
But your boss is likely not to be amused to find out that
you say you are happy in his face, and you expressing the exact opposite to
your co-workers.
Your partner is probably not amused hearing your boss cheerfully explain to her
in the supermarket that you volunteered
eagerly among many candidates of co-workers to work on Wednesday evening. Wasn’t
that the exact same evening you promised to spend with her but cancelled last
minute because you said you were almost forced
to work?
Of course, you can say that the reaction of the boss and
your partner to this snippet of information being revealed is completely up to
them. They chose to perceive it in a
certain way and therefore chose their emotional response to it. Part of the
truth, I would say, you can’t be held responsible for how people perceive your
But can you be held responsible for you actual
observable actions......?
Can people inquire with you how what you say relates to what you do and inform
you about the effects your choices have on them?
Yes, that may be a scary thought.
But in my experience, it is not as difficult as it may seem.
There is at least one very good reason for that.
Most people are aware, know from
their own experience, that it is not always easy to juggle various roles and
responsibilities. We’ve all been there, we are all under the influence of
sensing the vibes of the needs and desires of the collective you are physically
in right now being very strong,
impacting on values in other collectives you are a part of. Doing something
that has an unpleasant impact on somebody else we hold dear, is no fun, we all
know that.
If and when it happens and you are open about what happened and are clearly
willing to see the position of the other and the effects, the consequences your
choices of actions have caused and you show you’ve learned from it, it is soon
a thing of the past, solved in peace.
Things start to look less peaceful when a part of a
collective is not showing willingness to work with (all of ) it, move with
its dynamics, taking all relevant parts at
least most of the time into account
in words as well as in observable aligned actions.....doing justice to the
available talents and resources to flow abundantly and dynamically.
That has consequences for the structural integrity of the collective and the
dynamics in it.
Apparently, I have a strong sense of con-sequential collective consciousness.
What consequences do my choices and action shave, not only in the (small)
collective I am currently physically and energetically in contact with ( the
person or the group involved in the task at hand), but for all the people I am
in touch with, involved with, the whole composition I am a part of. Are all
available resources in the flow, being used, allowed to freely contribute what
they can?
Yes, this is a meta-physical awareness.
But not in some airy fairy explanation of the unseen that is completely inconsequential
to the physical reality of our lives... (!)
Yes, indeed, it is with an awareness
of the collectives I cannot see right now, I am not currently aware of, in my
real-time e-scape. But being a part of those collectives is by me understood to
be consequential in the endless sequences of e-scapes I’ll encounter.
I am constantly not only aware of the individual transaction I make in that
instant, but also on how this transaction fits in all the transactions I make
and value, also with other collectives I am a part of. From that awareness,
having very little to do with any airy fairy esoteric philosophical theory, I
am coordinating my choices to a coherent, harmonious composition that anybody
can inquire about at any moment of any day, to contribute what I can to peace, pleasure
and harmoney, for all involved.
Meta-..... ‘ beyond’ , implying ‘coordinated’ and being
about itself ( meta-communication is communicating about the communication...
keeping an eye on the process of communication, the patterns and structure
beyond each individual expression)
You may think there is an easy way to stay out of the
troubles that arise when you are not harmonising all your say ‘ yes’ to.
Some people try to make this paradox work:
They promise themselves: “ I never make a promise to anybody
Apart from the obvious observation that you are breaking the
only promise you apparently find useful to make, with the one person you can’t
escape from no matter in what collective you are present: yourself.....
...unless you decide to live far away from all living beings...... it is
something you are not able to do.
Try one day avoiding constructions as:” I am going to.....”,
“ I shall........”, “ I’ll be....”
No matter how many promises you allow yourself not to make
or keep, making plans is part of your
human nature, as is communicating about it. If it is not in words, than you
still do it in energy and people pick up on it. They will see you act, either
accordingly, in line with your own vibes, or not, but in either case, they’ll
interact with your actions, your choices and your vibes.
You may think:” But in saying ‘ I am going to....” I am not
making any promise to anybody. It is an inconsequential statement of a plan, I
can change my mind about it anytime and do something else!”
Well, I am not stopping you from that experiment, if you
think it is a fun one to conduct.
Let me know if you’ve found proof that inconsequential exist.
I am curious to see what that looks like.
I haven’t experienced it so far in 43
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