People who deeply enjoy life, play more and rest more.
If I hadn’t read it somewhere, as conclusions from scientific research, I could
have said it myself.
Does that mean that if you’d like to enjoy life deeply,
playing more and resting more are helpful?
I think that is the case. I see how ‘play’ and ‘rest’ are powerful catalysts for
(self-) development.
However, there may be a little bit more to it, since the words ‘ play’ and ‘rest’
have many meanings and the most common understandings among adults of it, are
not the ones I refer to here.
Even the concept of ‘ more’ is multi interpretable.
I described the concept of play, as I see it, once in
another piece of writing like this:
This form of play really has to be understood as a
completely different phenomenon from the understanding most adults have created
about play.
For a 4 – 6 year old, the aim of play
is, with serious intent, to explore life (deeply, fully, without holding
anything back !) and getting to understand his/her own role in it to really know (which is something different from being
told by others) what and how (s)he
can joyfully contribute to the wellbeing of the whole.
S(he) doesn’t play for amusement, as
play is often interpreted by most adults. (Although the sense of pleasure
derived from it is surely an appreciated and motivating side-effect of it)
A young child is not using play in order
to relax, or lift up a mood. It is the exact opposite of desiring to escape
the demands of reality for a moment! It is the most effective way to explore and
shape reality and build up useful skills and expertise along the way.
You may think:” But there is nothing at stake for a child!”
Think again and you’ll appreciate, the quality of his/her life is at stake.. as
well as that of the people s(he) gets involved with, now and later on in life.
Rest, in the eyes of many people is ‘ complete relaxation’.
Containing sleep, or doing calm activities like reading or watching television.
And as much as those activities contribute to unwind, in this context, it is
not the type of rest I think is meant as a powerful catalyst to
Rest in this context, is not meant to unwind ‘ from reality’ (as the
prime objective) but to transform, with
I call it
me-time, those periods of time where a person
disconnects from
all activities and
being actively in contact with other people ( and strong energy emitting
This may seem ‘ semantics’. But to me, it isn’t.
In having me-time, I may be stepping actively away from the part of reality,
e-scape that surrounds me, the outside energetically influences I am tuned
into (consciously and unconsciously!).
In me-time, however, I am
allowing my inner e-scape to transform and I am not stepping away from that
process with my attention at all.
I watch it, observe it, see the transformation unfold. See how the e-scape
changes, shows itself to me in another formation.
Yes, a sense of relaxation, of losing tension in my system
is a nice motivating and re-energising side-effect of it.
Play more and rest more.
More can be viewed as: if you take the sum total of any
amount at the start and then increase that.
So, if you rest 3 hours a day, 3,5 hours is more.
In this context, I would say, it is not the actual amount
that is significant, it is the frequency.
If you normally rest 3 hours in 2 stints in a day. When you then rest only 2 hours, but in let's say, 10 minute stints each, then 2 hours
is more then 3 (smiley),... more effective!
Alternating frequently
between play and rest.
I chose to alternate consciously highly frequently between
play and rest.
After 20-30 minutes of activity (relating to the e-scape outside me, by taking
input in and/or giving output out), I have a break and step away from it. Rest
to transform.
Yesterday I had a day where I did it religiously, mainly because
I had quite some ‘play’ planned using my computer and that is a challenging
e-scape to play with, in itself.
Taking a break, religiously, after 20-30 minutes of play.
When the sand rests... it is time for me to rest to. |
It was fascinating to see how in each and every single
me-time break, even the 5 minute ones, my inner e-scape transformed and showed
me my reality change in another formation: in formation.....information.
What happens is that, all the elements that are there in my
reality, seem to automatically re-arrange their positions in those ‘ breaks’ in
an alternative formation once the tension of staying focussed on the task at
hand is released.
In staying present with my awareness in this transformation, feeling into that,
tuning into that, I see new suitable valuable options, that are taking all my
experiences and highest values up till the last stint of active play (conscious
and unconscious) into account.
This alternative I see in my e-scape is usually beautiful
and worth exploring in the next stint of ‘play’. Inspiration.
Often with a drive to be shared.
Different styles of ‘alternatives’
In looking around me, I find that resourceful, creative
people see and actively explore alternatives more, simply because they allow
themselves to be the ‘alternative’. They enjoy the transformations that take effortlessly
place in their (inner) world, showing them alternatives and..... they take those alternatives actively into the
outer world and shape( style) the world from that.
Although the terminology of ‘ being alterative’
is also commonly used for a life styling strategy some people chose, by cultivating ‘ being different from others’ (
either for its own sake, or for its outward appearance of looking interesting).
That life style is not the one I am referring to here as a catalyst
for sustainable change from within in a natural way.
The people whose alternatives stem from frequently alternating between play and rest with reality, with the flow of what is really there (and therefore with others too, taking their realities
into account too), have a different source of motivation..... it is inside.
Or could that just as easily and accurately be spelled as insight.......
Insight that alternatives, in harmony with all there is, is
all about creating beauty in an inspiring and empowering way, based on what IS
in plain sight.
Outside follows (flows from ) what is already seen as being present
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