This whole blog speaks about how people process information,
in the social context life provides.
It aims to give suggestions on how to be
more effective, more resourceful and meanwhile enjoying the process more.
One of life’s fascinating challenges is in the matter of ‘how to express a desire for change in a group’?
It can already be turbulent to play with
ideas for change, all by yourself. Adding more people in the mix comes with a
whole booby trapped force field in its own right: group dynamics.
This force field has become so booby trapped, because as a
species, we’ve made a collective polarising decision: you are either ‘ in’ or ‘out’.
You are either part of ‘us’ or part of ‘them’.
If you are part of ‘us’ you behave
like us in the way we all agreed on, either
explicitly or implicitly.
Sticking your head out to say:” He guys, actually, there is something in the
way things are going that doesn’t please me.”, is therefore best handled with
care and consideration.
On some level of our consciousness, we all know that every
single minor or major conflict in this world between people, began with
somebody giving expression to this very same thought :” He guys, actually,
there is something in the way things are going that doesn’t please me.”
Do you want to be that person, starting the next World War?
On a theoretical spiritual level, it is often said:” We are
all one.” and peace would follow from that understanding.
On a practical day to day level, when the going gets tough on our little corner of this planet, most people I deal
with, including myself, don’t see that, we don’t feel that, we don’t experience
that and so we don’t understand that at all.
Can’t peace follow from our current levels of understanding? That’s ‘a bugger’!
Will it always be that our palette of choice seems to be, in
order to maintain some sort of peace, somewhere in the system:
we either swallow our discomforts and suggestions
for change favouring the peace of mind that
comes with belonging to a group, or
we express our suggestions for change favouring the
peace of mind within yourself, respecting our values and ways.
This tension ‘ under the bonnet’ is feeding the grid of the
booby trap in the group dynamics.
As long as you stick to one of the two strategies, all is relatively calm. But
one tiny morsel of information jumping over the fence to the other strategy and
‘ bang!’, you’ve tripped a mine.
That morsel doesn’t have to be a word.....(
it usually isn’t), it can be uttered in body language, tone of
voice, in actions taken.
I am sure there is
a safe way to deal with this mine-field and that is to re-understand it:
This field is a mine-field..... a field to mine ( delve actively into bring to
the light and share not only your finds, but also the work and the profits with
the others in the same mind-field).
If you can step away from the idea that it is only a field with mines, a first step is made to explore a grander
reality, a more peaceful reality.
We don’t have to deny, that after so
many centuries of human inter relational
warfare, there are booby traps and
mines under the surface of our consciousness and our relations.
But if we decide more and more often not
to add any more and to de-activate gently and together any existing mines we happen
to find, being on the lookout for the gems in life to share, we’ve actually ended
the war.
This sounds very noble and I suppose Alfred Nobel himself
would be jumping up and down of excitement with this analogy.
For those who don’t know, he was the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize, earned a
fortune with an invention that was intended to make mining easier, giving
people access to all sorts of materials to build a good life with. But his
invention became more known for its use as a material to destroy good lives with
easily and quickly, in warfare: dynamite.
Still, on a practical level, it leaves some puzzles to
How can expressing
a desire for change be done in another, peaceful, harmonious way? Practically.
Usable in the real challenges of everyday life, where the dynamite is still all
around, ready to detonate on impact?
The strategy:
Be aware of your relative position in giving suggestions for change to a person
or a group.
Check first if you
are ‘ in’ or ‘ out’, by answering one simple question:
“Is this a person ( or a group of people) with whom I share that we often and consistently refer to ourselves as ‘ we’ ?”
If the answer is ‘yes’, fine, that means ‘ you’ are ‘in’.
That means you are in a position to moving on to the next step of mining in order to bringing things to the
light, under their attention.
If the answer is truthfully ‘ no’, that means you are ‘ out’.
You are seeing them as ‘ them’ they are seeing you as part of ‘ the others’.
You are in another field. You are not in a position to start bringing
things to the light, under their attention about their mining field
No matter how intrinsically valuable the gems are you see right under their
noses in their field. No matter how intrinsically sound you advise it, not
matter how peaceful your intentions are. You are not ‘in’, you are not actively
personally involved. It is literally not ‘ your place’ to make or suggest
(In another blog I may feel inclined some day in the future to expand on this
thought in how ‘campaigners’ propose changes are made by ‘ big companies’, or ‘
governments’. But using your imagination, you might already have some clues)
Next, it is important to ‘ in-vest’ in your in-ness, in this moment.
Realise, answering the former question only indicates that in the recent past up
till now there has been enough evidence that there is a common mining field you
all refer regularly to as ‘we’.
But you haven’t in-vest-igated yet if you are (all) actually in the same place, in
this very same moment!
Are you personally fully in it right now?
Is the other person in it right now?
All people have more mining fields, you know.
All people also have a personal one called ‘ me’ too, that they like to
attend to regularly.
You may be ready to launch something, but if you are not in the same mining
field right now, it is rather perceive to be a missile than a message, because technically,
you are ‘out’, right now.
Usually, inviting a person in a friendly way to come to your
mutual ‘ we’-field if you see they are
not there, is enough for them to let them know when they can be there too.
Now, some more subtle interesting interplay takes place.
You’ve got to find out if the suggestion you are going to bring under the
attention, is viewed by all involved as part of the we-field...something
everybody, part of mining this we-field, is actively personally involved in.
Observe what happens if you launch a suggestion for change to somebody you have
usually a good relation with, about
something you are clearly not actively and personally in-volved in.
Fireworks in your we-field!
So, it must not only be clear that you are both in the same field,
right now, it also has to be clear that you are both personally actively involved in the subject you bring to the light
in this field, right now.
Bringing something ( anything but surely if it has emotional charge) you mined
elsewhere ( in your me-field maybe) to the we-field expressing a desire that
the other should do something with it
and you stand safely back ... may, for the obvious reason of the current state
of affairs in this world, be regarded with suspicion. Why is it that you stand back
from it?
So, since you are
bringing the subject up since you
feel it has importance to the development of this we-field, you have to show your personal active
involvement first, right here, right now.
You do that by holding the matter close to your heart, exposing and expressing everything you hold dear
about the issue-in-relation-to-the-we-field. You share everything you are aware of, but
above all you share how it resonates with you on an emotional level relating it
openly to your mutual goals and shared values in the we-field.
You state as clearly as you can your motives on why you think what you brought
to the light is to be viewed as an asset and not a mine.
If you suspected something could be a
mine, you wouldn’t hold it close to your heart. You wouldn’t touch it, knock on it and praise it for the
good qualities you see in it as part of your joint venture, mining the we-field,
would you? Would you happily and calmly already have dealt with some of the
obvious actions you are proposed could be made? Can you show, right here, right
now, that you’ve actually touched it, played with it and looked into how it can
transform to the liking of all involved?
It doesn’t do wonders for the structural integrity and the
mutual harmony and joy of a we-field to bring mines to it, or to give the
impression that you don’t have much information about it (and don’t care).
And remember, what you say
about a topic is maybe 20% of the information you convey about the topic. What
you actively personally do with it,
what you show in actions and body language about it makes up about 80% of the
communication of your opinion on the matter. Energetically conveying the deeper
meanings it holds to your system.
When the need to state in your defence rises: “They could/should have asked me
questions!”.. you know then that something blew in the we-field.
You have now moved to your me-field, referring to a part of ‘we’ as ‘they’. You have moved from ' in' to 'out'.
Peace negotiations, waving white flags and picking up some pieces and do some repair
work may be the next issue to delve into, in the we-field.
I see the dichotomy.
Here I am conveying suggestions for change.
Saying that when one conveys suggestions
for change to somebody, one must make sure they are both in the same field, at
the same place, sharing values and mutual goals and all that.
Where am I now, showing you that this is not a mine? Holding it close to my
You can only see my words ( 20% of my communication). How are you supposed to
probe into to other 80% of my communication?
Yes, this is part of the truth and that part is completely true, I am violating my own
advise here, big style!
However, I also know that there is a larger truth.
In that one I acknowledge that you and me, we are not in a we-field. I
write this in my me-field. You volunteer to look into this information in your
me-field. Different in time and place. You might not even know me, personally. In this field, who I am and what I do, doesn’t
matter at all. You are relating to words and your resonances to them. In our
respective me-fields, we are alone
reflecting and vibrating on experiences.
That, is again entirely true (to me), but again part of a
larger truth.
We are in a we-field, were we share
all information openly and freely and share mutual goals and values, right now,
right here. On the physical plane this we-field is called ‘ us, conscious
beings’ .
On the metaphysical plane it is called the collective consciousness, or as I
call it more intimately ‘ the Knowing’. In this we-field, that contains our
collective resonances on experiences, we are all one.
See which of these three truth speaks to you most.
It is all about ' relative position'.
May it guide you, when you sleep a night on the practical implications of it.