In the last couple of days, I’ve
been working on various projects.
It feels appropriate to share this image of the mental radar, that is part of
an analogy of naviagting in life, where I explain how everybody can
(easily) tap into ’collective consciousness’....
I think... not only the collective benefits from more individuals doing that (becoming also conscious of the collective) , enabling themselves that way to act (navigate) wisely based
on the information visible in the overall view....
The individuals who are involved also benefit from
being in a better position... in themselves as well as relative to the people around them.
And since the members of the various collectives also open their minds to what is (really) going on around them in other collectives they relate to..... people are much less 'running into each other', but can see how to 'give way' so they all can reach their destination smoothly, happily and safely, while enjoying the journey....within their own collective, as well as between collectives.
There are various setting possible on your mental radar:
The pin head setting is usuful to see who is moving about in your own community
(not adviced as a default setting for plotting a course (of actions))
The pin head seting is infinitely small part on the mental radar picture in the overall setting.
(gives much more clues on what is relevant in navigating the community to where it desires to go)
Note the lighthouse of ' our wellbeing' always on the map in ' overall view'
Notice how even information in the field of ' my ' joy is not visible in the micro-view of ' who has which position within the community'
Note: two individuals both in pin head view, see a different mental picture.
Two individuals both in overall view, see the same mental picture, including all the individual joys of the members of the community! |
Like with all radar images:‘my position’ never changes.
As always on radars, your own position is right in the middle.
There is no great risk of losing your position. As long as you all pay attention to what you are doing and are navigating the waters wisely and the vessel is afloat, you’ll find yourself right there in any view.
The overall view in more detail:
1 My position
This is something most people need some time for to get their head around,
because in this view, one enlarges the view from ‘personal’ position, to
‘collective’ position.
So, .... although the vessel is moving in this world and the individual is moving within it, 'my positon' now indicates ' the vessels' position, where the vessel is the community your are currently operating in. ( the family, the organisation you work for....).
2 My joy
Now we are in the personal sphere of individuals on board ship, part of this community.
Here I am talking about each and every persons individual joy, when it comes to
navigating the community.
In this field, the values that matter (have enough significant mass to show up
on the radar) to each individual person involved in the care for what is happening are made visible.
Made visible to everybody, who is consulting the mental radar in this view.
Joy may need some more explanation. It is a wider concept than pure pleasure or
sheer happiness. In a nutshell: it is also the joy of knowing how to deal in a
harmonious way with grief, loss, sadness, challenges etcetera.
3 Care for our wellbeing
This vessel has a purpose, all its movements are aiming to: CARE.
In all situations.... when what you aim for is not seen, not a noticeable clear
dot in the everyday reality (the silver ring of the mental radar) it is very
difficult to stay on a course in the right direction.
But if you make sure that the lighthouse of CARE (called ‘our wellbeing’) ,
the brightest, lightest, biggest dot that really matters is always showing on
your mental radar, it is so much easier to see it and adjust your course in the
right direction.
Play for yourself with it?
If you want to play with this mental radar setting, you might wonder:" How do I get see that view?'
It is activated whenever you ask yourself:" How does this serve our wellbeing?'
Then stand still and observe the picture and movements in your system.
When you ask the same question to another, you can initiate to synchronise to the same mental radar image and take it from there.
Just realise, the minute you wonder: anything about your personal position, in relation to the people in your community (do I have more of X, Y or Z then......or do they have more than me.....) you are switching to ' pin head' view again!
This setting has it's place and use in the world, don't get me wrong.
All I am saying is that if you base your navigational actions in life on focussuing most of the time on comparing/ competeing for positions within your community ... joy disappears off the radar as well as proper care for the wellbeing of all involved, staying on course aiming for the lighthouse.
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